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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Welcome Decisions huh We have kept both freshwater and a small marine tank, oneday we will do another marine again.. but I am totally hooked on the Freshwaters :lol:
  2. Hiya Mincie We have a great recipe we are making ourselves, flick me an email if you want it Got other bits and pieces in it as well of which are optional, I am also make a fish and shrimp etc version for our Frons.
  3. Oh and take note: If the water level is below the skimmer intake on the Aqua Ones, it will suck air in. But with skimmer attached, it sucks from both points, the bottom intake and skimmer.
  4. I have some young Lithobates and Demasoni, but they aren't ready yet.. let me know if you are interested at some stage...
  5. Afrikan

    Trial Tank

    Good filtration is a big factor with majorly stocking Africans, so keep that in mind
  6. The filters we have takes water from bottom intake while surface skimmer is attached. The skimmer is attachable.
  7. Hi AD, we use our Surface Skimmers on our Frontosa tank... freshwater is fine
  8. Oh awesome pic Faran.. love the markings on them, so defined and they are growing quick alright!
  9. My Chocolate Cichlids often before breeding, would show the signs for a few days without their tubes down, just the normal behaviours going on, then on about the 4th day or so, they would be down and they would breed, so heres hoping thats what happens with your Festives They might think they old enough to start a family now huh :lol: :lol:
  10. Ahhhh maybe they are wanting to spawn???? Hence why they have made that area their own.. would be awesome if they did Maybe a bit of live food and a nice little water change might get them going, or possibly a tank on their own might kick them off...
  11. I bought it a while ago now but I can't recall where.. :roll: but I have never seen it around since... might have been one of those fad things that come in.. but its growing very well. If mine was big enough I would take a cutting and send it to you however it's only got one main stem with two off shoots, so is a bit small yet.
  12. I'm not sure, but you could always give it a go
  13. Hiya Have never looked into the breeding of them, but boy they can pack some punch with attitude! :lol: My mother had some in with big Angels and guess who ruled the tank? :roll: :lol: I hope your's have possibly done something for you that is hidden
  14. Heya Gannet.. What does your flat mate think of your new cray,?? he doesn't fear it will climb out and pluck his nostril hairs in his sleep? :lol: BTW very cute little fellow
  15. Apparently the whole consignment that came in were wild caught, the Cats, Apistos, Cories, Tetras etc.. the supplier had a whole seperate list labelled "Direct from the Wild".. so yeah good question...
  16. I have a lucky bamboo, its planted in a gravel substrate in a pot and it likes the little pot to be filled with water occasionally, mine gets water once a week. Likes indirect sunlight, more so filtered. It is the Dracaena family, mine looks like a miniature Yucca however the stalks look bamboo. Heres a link http://www.chiff.com/a/lucky-bamboo.htm
  17. There is some great stuff out there, we have obtained stock from breeders and alot of our stock has originated from ordering them through LFS, and if you do, make sure you pick them up bagged, so theres no mixing of sorts, especially Peacock species if you get any of those..
  18. Wow I would love to have that job feeding them, that was wicked :lol:
  19. Mine hides alot to Rogan, and then he pops out of his special little haunts... he should be fine and dandy
  20. There are alot on lists that don't make it into some shops... Definately pays to ask your LFS person whats available
  21. Looking good Rogan Make sure you send us some updated pics down the track 8)
  22. Yeap I use airline hosing as well Takes longer but well worth the lack of hassle
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