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Everything posted by Zev

  1. It's an eel - didn't get to check if it was a long or short fin, damn thing wriggled around heaps. The biggest ones were about 30 - 40mm
  2. But if you breed them you can sell some to N1CK...
  3. I only have an abundance of boys at the moment, perhaps you could butter Barrie up to see if he has any girls?
  4. You can get the freshwater shrimp at Eskdale Park - just take a net and swish it around under plants on the water's edge. Mind you, after the floods of late, the weeds may not be there anymore :-?
  5. What temp was the tank with the heater - being a NZ plant I would think that it may not need to be heated too much. What is the temp of your average kiwi river or stream? As for the water changes - I'll think about it and get back to you...
  6. You haven't sent mine to Wok, have you On a happier note, the beach behind the Aquarium is riddled with driftwood - Kerry said it is the most he has seen in years, so maybe you had better bring a lot of stretchy tie-downs if you are only bringing the little car?
  7. So, Wok... Have you been hassled for one of these yet? http://cgi.ebay.com/LITTLEST-PET-SHOP-Y ... 5008r19767
  8. Barrie, you are such a teaser!
  9. Zev

    Word Association

    antique and just what are your trying to infer, you young whippersnapper? :-?
  10. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=NZKA
  11. Zev

    Redeye Puffer

    Puffers always look so cute - pity they are such vicious little things when it comes to tank mates Very nice pics too!
  12. Seems that no matter what the marque, if they all get their bits from the same places there could be problems across the board... http://www.autoblog.com/2010/01/31/toyo ... n-in-euro/
  13. One of our business associates has a Renault - the dash is all electronic and has just stopped displaying everything, and I mean everything! He is cringing at the repair cost, because he has had it looked at before and it still plays up. If they start saying the magic words 'one of the computers must be faulty' don't expect much change out of several thousand dollars, as they have several, and despite them supposedly being able to plug into it and pinpoint the problem in an instant, it is sometimes not the case. The other car they have is a Toyota Wish, which is a seven seater that is possibly in your price range. I don't know what the leg room is like, though. We used to have a Mitsy Chariot, which was fine when the kids were little, but when they start getting a bit long in the leg it is a bit of a squish. We have a Peugeot 307 station wagon, 7 seater - don't talk to me about repair costs...
  14. Ha! I remember that game, the kids used to play it incessantly, the tinkley music used to drive me nuts...
  15. Pure Dew is steam distilled and RODI filtered, it has a DOC of less than 1mg per litre (reading the label here) We get 10 litres for $5.99 at the red shed.
  16. Knew I saw this somewhere before! Complete with pics. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=41152&p=447333
  17. Compliments of the season to you as well, Ron
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