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Everything posted by Zev

  1. I just sprinkle it on the surface, others soak it before feeding out.
  2. What would be the max temp these would handle? Keeping too small a tank within these parameters would be a problem, especially with the ambient temps getting up in the summer. Chillers do not come cheap - hey, you could con your Mum into fitting an air conditioning unit in your bedroom and keep it running all the time to keep the temp stable... :roll:
  3. I made it! And that is Rusty. The photo I have of him has no tail, so I had to put him somewhere where you would not notice it was missing...
  4. Saw another little one today! Looks like the one in the first pic. The first one has grown heaps and now looks like a half sized version of the parents.
  5. Zev


    Your halo is slipping, Caryl!
  6. Since it is in a public area I would err on the side of caution and go for the 12mm. We have $4 million Public Liability insurance and the same for Public Indemnity, but the cost to your pride, reputation and sanity would be immeasurable if a little kid were to get injured.
  7. Hmm, try again, it just had a slow moment, or send the link to me and I will sort it out.
  8. Charlie's account has been deactivated at his request. He will not be able to retrieve any PM's sent to him and the facility for users to send them to him has been disabled.
  9. Lol Wok... Factory not going well then? Dare I ask if Carlos has pants on?
  10. And a local one at that! PM me the details you wish to have in the Tank Builder thread and I will add if for you.
  11. It is not as easy as it sounds, be careful with this approach. Keeping the temperature down in a tank this small will be a major problem.
  12. I like the filter! I have an AR380 that I am considering putting some Carinotetraodon travancoricus into, I think the red eyed guys grow a bit bigger?
  13. I agree P44, the hair is not quite right. Max said that was my 'fish shirt' meaning my NZKA shirt... Where's yours, Caryl? Huh, huh?
  14. My kids made this for me... And no we do not have a goldfish in a bowl, but we do have a ginger cat! Make your own here - she had to screen shot it to get a copy. http://www.sp-studio.de/sp-studio.swf
  15. Check the prices per ml, sometimes it is more ecomomic to buy a bigger bottle in the long run, but it is not cheap either way!
  16. Shifted to the Technical section - I can add you to this thread if you wish, Andrew. viewtopic.php?f=24&t=42159
  17. The recommended dosage rate for Flourish Excel is 5ml for 200l water daily or every other day, There is a larger initial dose of 5ml for every 40 litres when you first start or after a water change. http://www.seachem.com/Products/product ... Excel.html
  18. Zev

    Flying blind

    Ahhh, patience is everything in marine fishkeeping, and rushing into it has lead to many a disaster. Fire away with your questions in the other thread and we will see how we go at answering them for you. Did you manage to design up your acrylic crate for the rock to sit on?
  19. Your Val should be ok with a standard dose of Fourish Excel, it may not handle a double or triple dose as a shock dose - I dose 7ml in a 64l tank daily and it is fine, but be careful, what works for some does not work for others, and mine is far from a 'normal' tank. Corydoras do not like high doses of ferts, lost a few young'uns that way :oops: Your Cabomba should be a good top cover plant, when it gets too long pull it out, chop it down by half and replant the tops - this works for Heteranthera zosterifolia as well if you don't want it to look terrible when you trim it down and have to wait for it to grow out again to look good. Bit puzzled by this? What temps you running the tank at? As for the staghorn, Phoenix44 had some a wee while ago, see if you can find the thread by using the search function.
  20. I could tell you, but you may have to join the club first
  21. You could scare him, LA by suggesting he stay the week and take more pics and write an article for Caryl for the AW...
  22. Zev

    Word Association

    cheese - gottagogottagogottagogottagogottagogottagogottagogottagogottagogottagogottagogottagogottagogottago
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