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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    Bulk flake

    It would depend on what sort of fish you have. Flake has a tendency to sit on the surface and suits fish that normally feed this way such as small surface dwellers, it breaks up easily in the water column and distributes itself around the tank in small bits.
  2. They should know the scientific names, best bet may be some NZKA members down that way
  3. I did, but that was only to stop it saying dagi in stead of dageti!
  4. Zev


    Did he just say 105,000 litres?
  5. Be careful mixing the same specie, they may interbreed. You could go all male display tank? Now for the shameless NZKA plug - join the club
  6. You missed Jordanella floridae. Do we have any Terranatos left, or have they all gone?
  7. Zev

    Flying blind

    Hi Andrew and welcome again. Can you please add you location to your profile via the User Control Panel - that way the other locals can see where you are from
  8. Zev


    They have, but then they end up looking to rehome them because they got too big. There are some in the National Aquarium acquired under these circumstances, and I bet Livingart gets offered the odd one as well? We were looking at some of the fish in the Aquarium the other day, and it is a shame that some of these are readily available in the fish shops and some potential buyers have no idea how big they can get - such as spanner barbs and tinfoils - they just look like a cute little fish at the time And to think that 'hey I want one 'cos it looks neat and I will just sell it when it gets too big' just opens another can of worms...
  9. Clowns are surface dwellers - look nice though. Poropanchx normani look stunning in a big group - are fairly plain with a iridescent blue patch over the eye, mine swim around in a group mid water. More colourful non annual specimens would include: Aphyosemion such as striatum or australe or bitaeniatum Fundulopanchax such as scheeli or gardneri Somthing bigger and more colourful would be Fundulopanchax sjoestedti, but a bit hard to come by at the moment. Of course some of the most stunning are the annuals - Nothobranchius Knock yourself out here, Hristo's pics are droolworthy! http://killifishaustralia.forumcircle.c ... c.php?t=74
  10. Yeah - some coloured tropicals would be nice....
  11. Hi Dennis and welcome. The only freshwater shrimp available are the ones you catch in the local rivers or streams, there are no imported shrimp available at this time. They are coldwater and require high oxygen levels.
  12. Hmmm.... 2.25kg of creme egg - that would make for one crook gut if you ate it in one go! Not to mention Sam would be running around like this all day
  13. That would be because the price was pretty competitive Hi jwinkie, welcome, how about introducing yourself in the Welcome section? Have a read here, then feel free to ask any setup questions that you may have, they are pertinent no matter what system you are starting up.
  14. He's probably checking to see if you notice the goobers he just sneezed on your shirt!
  15. Could be a parrot version of a facepalm? Why would he sneze, P?
  16. Zev

    Word Association

    Tape - do you really think the young ones will know what we are on about?
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