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Everything posted by Zev

  1. I would be concerned with the smaller fish getting sucked into the Tunze 6025, the slots are fairly small, but you obviously don't have this problem?
  2. Gah - I think that site hates me, could not even see the images in my newsletter yesterday morning... Could do it with natives here instead of trying to heat it.
  3. I like the sound of that! I forgot the 'just you wait until you have kids...'
  4. It may be because Phoenix44 won't stop chatting
  5. And how many times were you told to do those tonight?
  6. I was referring to Southerrrngirrl, so don't get your knickers in a knot, Sam.
  7. I am very disappointed with you two, I thought we bought you up better than that? Stashing vegetables, tisk, tisk... Especially when you expect your fish to eat them! My ex's father used to repair TVs and appliances - he said it was not uncommon to find toast in the VCR slot.
  8. Um, do you two need a room? I can see I am going to have to split this topic...
  9. You are familiar with this talk, then Sam?
  10. Perhaps it is time that you sat him down and had a wee talk with him about all the grief and aggravation he is causing you?
  11. Val will turn red at the tips in very high light as well When it goes brown rather than red and starts deteriorating, like pushy and slimey, then it is a bad thing!
  12. I have injected C02 in my tank and val, it grows like a weed and I put a divider in the substrate to stop it taking over the whole tank. In the same tank I would dose 5ml Flourish Excel - the tank was only 64l with 70w MH lighting - no melting problem, but every tank is different, so it may be a case of trial and error.
  13. Erk, cannot find them, but here are some off another forum. http://www.petfish.net/forum/index.php?topic=64075.0
  14. I think my toes have melted off with the southerly as well...
  15. You want me to dig out my instructions? I use natural sea water, if you use something like San Francisco Bay, or JBL Novotemia the water temp should be about 26 deg, if you use the Burkhart ones it should be about 29 deg.
  16. Hi and welcome jc254 Good to see you gathering info before going out and buying them on impulse, we have a few seahorse keepers here who can offer advice.
  17. They are good if you only want to feed one tank, - reverted to the jar method though in the end. After a while the suction cups go brittle and then you end up with everything that was in the hatchery floating around in the tank because it would invert itself- the shells are a real nuisance to get rid of :evil:
  18. You may have to bribe them to join AFA with chocolate cake, Wok. Allegedly I am good at writing messages on the top of those...
  19. Oh - you wanted those ones? There is one of Joe with his eyes shut, the next one Grant has his shut - just as well I have my camera set on continuous shooting
  20. Latest addition One of my four new Beaufortia kweichowensis - the brown fuzzy bits are algae on the glass.
  21. *pssst* Caryl, she is resorting to bribery to increase their club membership...
  22. Just as well Caryl has no cat - my mother finds bits missing and chewed up on the floor sometimes, or he jumps up on the table trying to help...
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