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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Cleaning wise I would go for a stiff backed razor blade and a heap of white vinegar. What plants you after when you have the tanks clean?
  2. Has not much to do with the Exec, and more to do with responses from the affiliated clubs
  3. Tell me about it P44- I think it the mail goes south, circumnavigates the globe and gets to Auckland first, then down the country. P44 is in the same club as Supasi, so he must be!
  4. He has you well trained and likes to see you run around in a panic when he flips over? Seriously though, how long have you had it and what is your setup?
  5. Hi Snowman I will see what I can find out for you, the person I need to talk to is away at the moment, so it may not be until next week.
  6. Dammit - we could have had a 'who has got the best crop of algae' thread! Looking good P44
  7. Bugger... Glad to hear your Daughter and her family are ok. If they need any baby stuff give us a yell, we still have a bit laying around and we will send it up to you for them.
  8. Yup http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=breedingscheme Send it to Wok when it is all signed.
  9. Try ajbroome, P44. Did you download the paperwork for the registration?
  10. More like look out wallet! Hope you have fun up there TT
  11. Hmmm... fizzy alcoholic worms? I find mine go through stages of population explosion, then nothing. If I have too much yeast in my mix it starts to bubble, which is not good.
  12. ROFLMAO! That's what we said - eight years later... :-?
  13. Pics? Well done to you both and congrats.
  14. Dammit - what a drama, and just when you thought you had things sorted!
  15. I wonder how much it would cost for an xray for educational purposes, would be good to see what is actually going on in there, poor thing.
  16. Cool, will let the club know at the next meeting.
  17. Zev

    Albino Guppies?

    Hmm... a girl and a boy - well done! See if you can find one of those clear plastic business card holders, the ones you get from the printers when you get cards done, they are good for photographing small fish in, and have a lid if you have jumpers
  18. Hey Simian, when hare you having your next tank crawl? - We may come and invade you!
  19. I have found the Indian Almond leaves deteriorate quite quickly, I had some in a Moliwe biotope, but they contributed greatly to the amount of mulm floating around. As Sam said these setups are usually low light, so C02 would be a waste. Crypts are weird and can vary in size depending on the setup, affinis may be suitable, as well as luciens or lutea.
  20. I have just realised that I may have read this - is the the one with the Wolfs? And they go to the movies and Wolf doesn't want popcorn with butter on it? Dammit, now I am going to have to hunt the book down and read it again...
  21. My favourite Anne McCaffery book is Dragonsong Forgot to add to my list Patrick Tilley
  22. Book - haven't picked one of those up for a lonnnnggg time! Stephen King - the early stuff, gave up after Rose Madder, I actually think I threw it across the room when I got to the end... Ursula K le Guin Stephen R Donaldson David Eddings JRR Tolkien Frank Herbert James Herbert Anne McCaffery Michael Crichton John Wyndham Tom Clancy Julian May Arthur C Clarke Isaac Asimov Robert A Heinlein Hmmm.... must be some more
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