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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Probably your Mum killing them off when you are not looking!
  2. I like the pattern on the inside of the kettle, must be indented as the flower develops. Any idea of what insects normally pollenate these when they are land based?
  3. I have a 20 somthing litre paint pail in the garden that has Daphnia swimming around in it at the moment, it has ginger algae on the sides which they seem to graze. I also have another container that has greenwater in it, but no bugs
  4. The opportunity to discuss both the situations you refer to was given in the first two threads, but this resulted in posts that served only to discredit and goad the other party and were therefore locked. The third thread was left unlocked in a hope that both sides of the story could be heard with some impartiality and be more factual than personal. Despite the request from the original author that it was not the place for slanging but to put the facts out in the open, this was not what transpired.
  5. affinis - nice red/crimson under the leaves. Can tolerate low light.
  6. Thread now locked, any further threads started on this topic will be removed.
  7. That's a pity, Barrie has some nice fish. Actually it is a bit of a loaded question - go and see Barrie's fish and get hooked!
  8. Well, that was not a successful trip - went out to look for those cheap kids plastic balls you buy by the bagful (about 60mm diameter) and did not find any, unless I wanted to buy a paddling pool as well just to get 20. I would even be willing to settle for some of those plastic ABC cubes that are hollow, but only found wooden ones - got 5kg of shot, though. Anyway, I digress. No mesh from Hunting and Fishing, he checked with their suppliers, and the alloy stuff is only available if you buy it as a collapsable whitebait net. What about the likes of Mico Metals or British Steel?
  9. Maybe the rabbit knows where the best place to be is! My daughter was up your way at a concert - said there was thunder and lightning but they did not cancel it.
  10. The black stuff is usually plastic, our cats can chew through both - ali or plastic :-? I am going to Hunting and Fishing to get some shot shortly, will enquire while I am there.
  11. Stainless or flyscreen stuff? What about aluminum joiners who do security doors?
  12. I agree with FuglyDragon, I have a barteri var. nana petite that had sub 10mm leaves in a very low light situation, now it is placed higher in a tank with more lighting and the leaves are about 25mm long - about the same size as my barteri var. nana at the bottom of the tank :-?
  13. Sports shop - like Hunting and Fishing, not just the ones that sell shoes!
  14. I think you need to work out if you want to breed them or just for display as the setups are quite different, perhaps you could look back on some of the threads in this section that discuss setups and compatibility for killies. Then you can tell us which ones take your fancy. Oh, and they all need tanks with lids
  15. What sort of Killies are you interested in?
  16. lol, ID The killie in the link you sent is a nosey Aphyosemion australe Gold
  17. Hi and welcome. Curious about any type of killie in particular?
  18. Isn't that chickens? You are not supposed to put all your eggs in one basket...
  19. Hmmm..toss between three and four...
  20. And you didn't think to enter one of those pics in POTM?
  21. Here is a good sig for Caryl from the bot: Why be difficult when with a bit of effort you can be impossible?
  22. Dangit - I knew there was something I was supposed to do! :oops: Welcome to the Federation...
  23. I can't talk - I bought a green bath scrub thing because it is the same colour as riccia to make balls out of :oops:
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