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Everything posted by antwan

  1. Yep they settled in very well, started eating whiteworms straight away Yea they do look quite similar, but the female looks awesome when in her brooding dress. They're just in a small 45cm tank at the mo as the tank they were going to go in had a heater malfunction last night :roll: Male is very peaceful so far, the female is the one showing off and nudging him. I'll feed them up well and see what happens
  2. Male Female Can't wait til they colour up fully Big thanks to hollywood fish farm for getting these guys in
  3. Good to see they're available, now somebody put your money where your mouth is :lol:
  4. Very nice mate, I have a pair of these coming sooooon
  5. Very nice fish! I am excited with all these new apisto's around
  6. Cool recipe, I used to work in a bakery and made soooo many of these each easter. I couldn't tell you a recipe (sweet dough with chocolate syrup and choc chips) but the chocolate ones were soooo good. Going home with a couple of bags full was always fun
  7. Cheers Si, I will be a very happy boy 8) I knew it would eventually turn up, it was just a question of when
  8. Took some photo's today: It's a shame he wasn't in focus here, they look amazing when they display Finally, I bought a shampoo bottle holder that you stick in the shower and put some sand in it and chucked a few stem plants in to provide a bit of shade for the tank. They are growing fast but the light is clearly a bit too intense for them as many of the leaves are going black. I'll just leave it be and see how it goes. Just need one more plant and the tank will be complete
  9. I think our shrimp go to estuaries to breed? so might be a bit difficult to replicate.
  10. Oooh that was Freshwest's old tank, that was awesome!
  11. I like the idea you have in the picture, I think it will look very nice. Variation is good, just glosso is boring
  12. Yea! Daddy long legs are such under-rated spiders
  13. Tank looks good mate, nice job. I don't really think a big filter is necessary (although better if you have a lot of fish). I have a 130L planted tank and it's only running a small sponge filter, but the fish spawn all the time so it must be doing a good job. As for a plant on the middle left, I reckon a nice clump of crypts would work well. If you could get your hands on some Crypt balansae I think it would look pretty cool at the back with the leaves growing along the water's surface.
  14. Waikuku is north of Kaiapoi, have a look on google maps and you'll see. I was really surprised too about this wood in particular, I think it looks really nice under water. It's a bit pale but not white. Here's a pic. That is what it looked like as soon as I got home from the beach and put it in. I've added more plants in the tank now and I'm happy with how it looks.
  15. I was searching on here ages ago for "driftwood" and "christchurch" and after looking through a few pages I spotted a post by someone saying Waikuku Beach was a good place to go to find driftwood. So I went, as soon as I got onto the beach I found 2 awesome pieces; 1 of which is now in my tank. I just had a look outside to try find the other but it's gone. It's not too far out of town and the beach is nice so if you are keen for a drive I recommend it. There was a fair bit of wood when I went, but I could have just been lucky.
  16. I agree with Mel, for a keeper of such rare fish in this tank I'm surprised you didn't take such actions...
  17. I would say the addition of the CO2 is what did it. Plants don't use CO2 overnight, and they don't give off O2 overnight too, so this would cause a big increase in dissolved CO2 and decrease of O2 in your water. Since the shrimp come from fast flowing streams they will need a large amount of dissolved O2 in the water at all times. Sorry about your loss, but it's a learning curve.
  18. I would say maybe around 2 weeks free swimming? Have you got any microworms or live baby brine shrimp that you could use to feed? They're probably on the lookout for live food. Sure is awesome finding fry that you never knew were there!
  19. When I was little my Grandad used to pour diesel down the hole then light it, how he uses a white powder; what he does is he gets a long pipe, sticks one end in the powder, puts that right near the entrance, then blows on the other end so it gets right around the entrance and a bit through it. We did that in the evening and the next morning there were no wasps buzzing around. Crap thing is, I don't remember what it's called that he used... haha
  20. Show her Ron's prices instead of Animates prices, she may think twice 8)
  21. Awesome work, there's tonnes of them!
  22. Thanks, they are very cool and fun to feed. Speaking of which may have to buy some crickets for them for over the winter period
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