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Everything posted by antwan

  1. nice indeed. Had a look last night and mine appears to be female
  2. Yea I saw your thread and thought you must have, that's ok though cos it means I get to go to Organism next week to get more!
  3. on a roll now. sabbath - spiral architect
  4. Black Sabbath - The Writ (+ Blow on a jug) :lol: Looooove sabbath
  5. Cheers guys. Fruju, yea I'll definitely be getting more, but there were only two in the shop today. They are so cool to watch sifting through the sand. If I got discus they'd be more earthy coloured than bright anyway, they'd just be a mid-dwelling big fish.
  6. Couldn't help myself. Took out the stump and put another piece of wood in, and I could see through to the back of the tank this morning so it's much nicer. Looks better too.
  7. wow, that's way bigger than it looks, and awesome! Definitely something I could see in my future home.
  8. I fed it a decent sized spider off the roof yesterday, next time I see a white tail ill chuck it in
  9. Got a little vid of me feeding mine a blowfly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruOo5VYjbfA
  10. Woah! Can't say I expected to see you here, but hey Few plants, pretty accurate drawing above eh I love that sword!
  11. No, wouldn't go for the brighter discus..bleh :lol: Are leuco's not as bad at substrate-shifting as the alt's? Or did you recommend them cos they don't get as big?
  12. I just chuck mine straight in the tank, no problems yet. I go to Waikuku beach, got some real nice pieces there.
  13. Uh oh... I planted the right hand side, argh. I'm now torn between the geo's and a school of discus...or both I'll put pics up later tonight when all the glare is gone. That's a good idea about the lily phoenix, would look cool too, but I just want the one side open-top for now.
  14. Here's some pics. with 4ft double and 2ft double lights over: and with the 150W halide: This is what it will eventually look like: maybe a few more/less plants depending on how rough the geo's are.
  15. Well that makes life easy then, I've got plenty of live food around home brewing too so I'm sure they'll be well fed.
  16. antwan


    I have another one in a rammakin here with a few babies too, you're welcome to them if you really want Nav Robyn went to wet it at work but the water either had coffee or detergent in it and it let go immediately.
  17. Haha cool! What do you guys feed your geo's? I've got a big tin of colourbits at the moment which I'm sure they'd enjoy while small, but what about when older?
  18. antwan


    I cleaned out a tank of mine recently, and when the water was out I saw something weird on the heater, I thought they were snail eggs. Pulled them off and had a closer look: So, the lovely Robyn here put it on her hand to see what would happen, they certainly do like to cling on! Mouthparts She had it on her hand for probably an hour all up and said she felt a little bit of tingling every now and then, but no visible wound afterward. We also gave it a squeeze and saw tonnes of little babies coming out of its sides/back. Pretty gross really. Does anybody know anything about these? I have never seen anything like them in a tank before.
  19. I'll try get some tomorrow, hopefully with more light over it.
  20. Well, I went to a local breeder's house this evening and made a purchase. I got 10 more panda cory's and 25 silver tip tetra's, only stung me $90 for the lot! soooo cheap. It's very cool seeing both species schooling though, what a sight! This is why I love keeping small fish in big tanks, you can really see their behaviour coming out. I just need more light so I can see more than the middle of the tank :lol: Very happy, can't wait for the Geo's in a few weeks time!
  21. she looks like a flat bike tyre :lol:
  22. Thanks cliffy Nope, not going for any particular region, just what looks good. The congo's are very nice, might have to make a trip to Organism to check some out, what a shame :lol:
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