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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The genetics are not as simple as you might think but good luck.
  2. I would be a dicey about brumating newly morphed frogs as they may not have enough condition to survive. Someone with more experience may be able to confirm or deny. They (in my case) clung to the glass and developed a coating during brumation then in the spring I just wound the temperature up and it was all go. They do breed best after rain and I got my setup to rain by adding a pump and timer to spray water for about 4 hours during the night. Rain only comes after brumation, raised temperature and lots of good food.
  3. You wish. Some people refer to the condition as a handicap and in some ways it may be but the relatives and friends I know with the condition seem to be over compensated with other gifts such as ability with maths or music. Many people throughout history who were considered brilliant have been gifted with the condition.
  4. Wunder tonic contains a mixture of ingredients, most of which may work.
  5. Go easy on Ira as english is his second language, american being the first (don't think he is in to eskimo).
  6. Scared the hell out of me the first time I spotted it.
  7. They must be free of food before brumation. No lights, no food and drop the temperature to about 14 deg C.
  8. The last bag I bought was around 50 dollars. Your pic is Hi tech.
  9. It is about communication, so if you understand the message then all is good.
  10. Not sure about the worm farm worms but I have fed worms from the compost heap and I know someone who collects and feeds crickets. They are more fertile after brumating and must be thinking about doing that at present. I don't have frogs at present but most of my reptiles are happily brumating at present.
  11. More suitable for Hi Tech. I have never kept the microswords but they may be suitable.
  12. Or calicivirus, or sterilizing ferile cats and releasing them again---you would have to ask them.
  13. There used to be a small Crypt called nevillii nevillii around many moons ago. If someone had some hidden away it would be ideal.
  14. The SPCA do not look kindly on feeding live pinkies and most frogs and reptiles do not look kindly on eating dead ones.
  15. It is unlikely that the ground cover plants in both tanks would grow without hi tech. You would have to select "low tech plants"
  16. Pinky mice are frequently fed by reptile breeders and I have had a green and gold (albino) try to eat another one the same size as itself and all I could see was feet when I rescued it---was never the same but lived. Your smaller ones are likely to get eaten.Pinkies are good food value.
  17. Most tank makers would not be too interested in repairing the bottom of a large tank as it is such a pain.
  18. They often don't eat for a day or so each side of shedding because most eat the skin.
  19. What is the concentration of active ingredient in what you are looking at compared to excel?
  20. Copied from a previous post & edited: When you add chlorine to water you get hypochlorous acid which reacts with nitrogen compounds like ammonia,urea and the amines (in all proteins) and forms monochloramine. When you add more chlorine you get dichloramine and even more you get trichloramine. All these (and other reactions) form part of the "chlorine demand" in the water. You cannot get free available chlorine until this "chlorine demand" is satisfied. Therefore when the reaction is pushed towards trichloramine there will be virtually no monochloramine present. In some states in the US they treat the water with monochloramine (made by reacting chlorine with ammonia) because chlorine will react with other impurities in the water and form some compounds that are not so nice (such as acetone) where as monochloramine will not. Monochloramine is not as effective in treating water as chlorine which is used in NZ but is still a strong oxidising agent. When people complain that the chlorine in a swimming pool is too strong and it is burning their eyes the problem usually is that the free available chlorine has been used up by contaminants in the water (such as urea) and this has pushed the chloramines back towards the monochloramine and this is what is burning their eyes. The problem is fixed by adding more chlorine. When you allow water to stand or aerate it to get rid of the chlorine the chloramines all move back to monochloramine and this will react with your fish the same as an under chlorinated swimming pool will with your eyes. Chlorine and all chloramines can be converted to more harmless chemicals with the addition of sodium thiosulphate which is the active ingredient you are buying from the petshop with dechlorinating products. Drinking water will contain various impurites that add to the chlorine demand and will form chloramines and other compounds. Ammonia is a bi product of the reaction when adding thiosulphate to chlorinated water. Chlorine only is used to sanitize water supplies in NZ and when you add chlorine you will always get chloramines unless you use distilled water.
  21. Feed sparingly and on the small side as they can cause compaction.
  22. It would be best to wait until spring to breed them because that will fit in with their natural breeding clock. You need a few males for each female and you may need a good set of ear muffs as the males compete with each other for breeding rights. I brumated mine down to about 12 degrees over winter then raised the water temperarure up to just over 20 degrees C in spring. Lots of mixed live food to condition them up.You can get fly traps on trademe, as well as locusts, crickets etc will get them ready. Best to start breeding insects now as it will get pretty expensive buying heaps of food for the babies when you get them
  23. After nearly 10 weeks we have moved back into the house and are still walking round untold cartons of stuff. No internet for 5 days and upset people on trademe---all better from now we hope.
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