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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. We have had a few thousand and we have some spare. Can we send you some so you can get used to them?
  2. Never felt a thing for a change.
  3. alanmin4304

    hi everyone

    Welcome and enjoy your time here. Please put your location on your profile as it will help people to help you.
  4. When growing plants CO2 only will not do much good. It is the combination of CO2, ferts and light that is the trick so the more research you can do the better.
  5. Full chemicals cost a lot of money so are not done regularly. The regularity is required by the Dept of Health and is related to the population it serves. Some tests such as chlorine levals or pH are probably done more regularly.
  6. Isn't it also illegal to release them again? Mad law.
  7. They use sodium hydroxide to raise the pH usually. They used that in one well here until they could get a better well down deeper.
  8. Councils are pretty careful to avoid the pH becoming acid as it corrodes the hell out of copper pipes and dezincafies brass.
  9. The Council that supplies the water will know what the chemistry is. They will not know what KH and GH are---it is a german terminology that for some reason aquarists seem to use. They are more scientific and list the chemicals present generally in mg/l which unscientifically is ppm w/v.
  10. Dwarf gouramis are very prone to dropsy. It is caused by fluid retention from kydney failure. The scales stick out like a pine cone and they swell up. It is incurable in my experience and it is best to put it out of its misery.
  11. There is a guy down here breeding heaps of cardinals that way without a problem. I understand that the newer dehumidifiers are aluminium but the older models could be copper.
  12. Yes, it is soft and is distilled water.
  13. I have fed compost worms from the compost heap without any problems.
  14. The economical way to run a fish room/house is to have as much water as possible as it acts as a heat sink. The air does not take much heat to warm up again. I used to have a seperate shed and would leave the door open for a while to give an air change because it builds up ammonia and smells as well as humidity. You could use a dehumidifier and use the water to breed cardinals and rummynose to pay the power bill.With no outside door you will not want the smells and humidity released into your lounge so a fan could be used for short periods to clean the air up.
  15. alanmin4304

    1200L tank

    It is not only about the height, as the longer each panel is the more flex there will be.
  16. With a building consent application there is such a thing as an "alternative solution". The Building Act tells you how to do it, the building code tells you what has to be achieved and 3604 tells you a way that the code can be achieved. An alternative solution can be achieved with a fan wired to the light fitting, the same way that you can do that in an internal toilet compartment. What you are proposing is not an occupiable room such as a bedroom or a lounge, it is similar to a toilet compartment or a store room. You don't need to tell them how many hours you will spend in there playing with your fish (you only need to justify that to her that will be obeyed).
  17. Some contain Benzylconium chloride I think. Easiest way is to ask the previous owner if anything was added.
  18. When I built my fish house I included a floor drain so I could siphon with a hose into that. Also had a silt trap outside to catch any gravel/sand. Makes it easier to water change.
  19. I think he met some of the lovely people and went to some of the lovely places in shakey town.
  20. All Alternanthera will grow a characteristic white flower where the leaf meets the stem. Roseafolia is the one most suited to submersed growth.
  21. Plants can vary a lot depending on conditions but your alternanthera is redder than the roseafolia I used to grow which emersed was green on top and red underneath the leaf. There were a couple of other varieties about so suspect it is one of those.
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