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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The water stains are normally calcium carbonate residue from the water and the vinegar (acetic acid) will disolve it. I often use salt paste then rinse it well.
  2. It is worse than that, I do it the easy way. Early in the morning while still dark using a torch and grab them as they emerge and before they climb the tree. I have been waiting for Mr Plod and his "allo allo allo what have we hear."
  3. You should aim to get as much water in there as possible (in tanks) as it acts as a heatsink. If you have the place loaded heavily with fish the air will become contaminated with waste gasses and will need to be refreshed to make it comfortable to work in. I used to leave the door open for a while to get an air change. It takes very little energy to reheat the air and the water holds most of the heat OK. I never used dehumidifiers but I lined the room out with sheet steel,sealed with RTV at the joints and painted with maf approved mould resistant paint. You could double glaze the windows but if you do it yourself put a bit of the moisture removing chemical between the glass sheets.
  4. Yes. I have never been able to keep them alive more than a few hours. Beardies love them.
  5. I don't know. I have run through his proceedures and all seems well. They just die off one at a time until all gone by 6 weeks. Might be easier now but if you can't keep them alive it is all a bit pointless.
  6. 1 pick a location loaded with them 2 only take from a percentage of the trees 3 only take for a few days of the short season Keep them coming
  7. An importer down here has brought in some good Nothos but couldn't get them through quarantine. I had rachovi many years ago. Bred thousands of guentheri, used to spawn them on fine sand and seive the eggs out and put them on peat. You can get the peat really dry and they do well. Only used to hatch 10-15 % each time I wet them. Sold the males at 6weeks.If they get velvet don't treat with copper---lost a few hundred in one hit with one seventh of the normal dose.
  8. Got 270 cicada this morning in one hour.
  9. Us blokes only need the pics, words are confusing.
  10. Got geeks on wheels around yesterday and they had a wee play. Reset the fire wall and spoke severely to the router and all seems well since.Long may it last, I like looking at pictures.
  11. You can get them free fom turtle rescue usually. My brother came over from Queensland when we were breeding them and said they were shot on site over there.
  12. In a normal home 40% of heatloss is through the roof. If the walls are insulated that would be higher.
  13. She could have laid eggs while on the great escape? When I was breeding red ears we kept them in side and could pick when they were wanting to lay by their scratching behaviour (which could go on for about a week). When they stared scratching with their back legs we moved them to a specal tank with an area for laying which was a mixture of sand and vermiculite over 300mm deep. They are fussy about the moisture and depth of the laying area. Might have thought the back yard was ideal.
  14. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  15. Thank god he is a bloke as he wont need instructions will he
  16. What would I know? I thought cricket was those chirpy things in my garage.
  17. I have only seen them used in very large enclosures, not in the normal domestic situation. They give off a lot of heat and what do you use for heat when the light is off?
  18. Getting more small snail eating loaches might be.
  19. Try to remove the dead leaves so their rotting does not cause other problems.
  20. Discusguru is not called that for nothing.
  21. Safest to remove them as advised above but she may or may not be eating them. Their hands don't work so well so they may pick them up in their mouth and relocate them to what they condider a safer place.
  22. I think my computer may have had a stroke and be suffering from dysfasia. I did as per above and a black screen came up with lots of info in white but it only stays for less than a second and goes away. It has decided to become a xmas flasher.
  23. I used to breed australe in straight tap water--though the water here is pretty good (until the dairy farmers get to it)---about 45 ppm hardness. Kept American flags in tap water as well. They won't mind peat but probably not necessary. Pretty sure pauljones doesn't use peat with australe.
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