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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I grow my plants on sand and just lightly vac the surface when the gunge gets excessive. The plants need food and wont thank you if you get all clean clean and take all their food away.
  2. Good quality orandas or black moors are worth money but they need to be quality. You will be lucky to get 10% good quality from breeding them as well. I am not sure how orandas will go in the winter down here as I have never kept them outside. They eat plant as well, but if you wanted to grow the vege with only the roots in water that should work. They grow lettuce and tomatoe hydropnically but I don't know about other vegetables. I am also not sure how fish would survive in a proper hydroponic liquid so you would need to work on the requirements of the plants and fish. Could be fun.
  3. You are adding all the right ingredients for an algae bloom.
  4. It is not that hard to cut the bottom offand replace it and that is easier to do a good job with than adding a patch I think.
  5. I have used it before without problems but recently lost a tank of fish after using it. I would suggest keeping an eye on it is all.
  6. The leaves are very similar both ways
  7. I would replace the bottom or increase my insurance.
  8. Trout and salmon will not do well in a pond. They need cold running water because it is high in oxygen. Two stories I will deny under torture. The man cleaning the water races new I used to get my daphnia from the oxidation ponds for one of the local towns. Once a year they shut down the water races (which take water from the Waimakariri river) and catch the stranded trout and put them backin the river. He suggested we put a drum of fish in the pond because of all the food. You could see and hear them rising for about 18 months then they were all gone. I also found about a dozen baby trout about an inch long and put them in a goldfish pond and they hardly grew at all in 2 years. Had to get rid of them when the Maf were coming to inspect the place for importing so they went back into the river.
  9. It will probably also kill the bacteria in the filter so watch that you may have to recycle the tank.
  10. I thought that as well but have only grown it emersed or tropical under artificial light rather than cold and daylight. Ludwigia repens would be my pick also.
  11. The idea is not new as the Chinese have been doing it for centuries. The canned fish dace that you buy in the chinese shops is grown in the paddy fields I believe. I think you might have problems with the type of fish you can keep. I think giant gourami are grown for food in Asia also.
  12. I have made up a connection to go on the fawcet with a snap on connertor for the hose. Connect hose to tap a tank under the water. Fill hose with water and disconnect hose from tap and put on garden. Add vac to hose if required and siphon. Reconnect hose o tap and fill tank with blened hot and cold water. Works for me.
  13. alanmin4304


    Caserole---well put.
  14. That wouldn't be unusual. All it takes is a bit of fin damage by nipping and a bacterial infection can set in.
  15. alanmin4304


    With most egg layers you need to remove the parents after spawning as they usually eat the eggs or fry or both. Iused to breed them over a net or marbles (net is easier) so they can't get at the eggs.
  16. Two discus of any size is not a good idea as one will generally boss the other to death. Unless they are a compatable pair. You want a half dozen of similar size so the agro gets shared.
  17. Glosso needs pretty good light.
  18. You can leave it and it will grow along the surface. Only problem is it will block the light on plants underneath.
  19. Sorry I can't make it this week, will try for the next one.
  20. You will have major problems growing any plants with that lighting. 18 watts is very low intensity and 18000K is not suitable for plants.
  21. Don't know about the first but the second is glosso.
  22. Fin rot is most normally a bacterial infection of a wound and furan should fix it. If you don't use furan you will need another suitable antibiotic. Jewels are pretty stroppy and when breeding they are normally good parents and protective. This can often result in one parent having a go at the other and causing damage. When I bred jewels I used to remove both parents but this can make things worse because the beat up one could get blamed for the non apearance of the fry and get beat up more. I would at least remove the damaged one till cured.
  23. It is a complete package. CO2 is absolutely useless unless you have adequate light and fertilizers. The light provides the energy for the plant to utilize the other stuff to build more plant. CO2 on its own just makes drinks fizzy. I use a very cheap and simple way to diffuse CO2 into my aquariums. I add fish.
  24. I use 50gm salt/litre 7 a small pinch of baking soda.
  25. Fungal infections are an oportunistic infection of a wound which is bacterially infected usually. You need to treat the wound, bacterial infection and fungus. Furan will do that normally.
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