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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I think there is algae fix and algae rid and I used algae fix without fish when converting plants from submersed to emersed growth. I put some in a tank of fish where the water was going green and killed all the killies and half the Saes. Have since cleared the water by feeding less and doing heaps of water changes.
  2. You are looking at megabucks to get approval to import.
  3. Chances are it will stop the leak but will not help much structurally. A well built tank should not leak even without a fillet round the joints.
  4. It is all a matter of personal choice but I use a growlux (10000K) and a cool white (4000K), tried 6500K for a year but wasn't too impressed so have gone back to that combo. Algae has more to do with water chemistry than light I suspect, or the people with metal halides would have tanks looking like oxidation ponds.
  5. It sounds as though you did the same thing as me many years ago. Walking past a pond of water and seeing a shoal of fish that were shoaling but were not whitebait. All I had was a plastic bag and managed to drive part of the shoal into that.
  6. Last time I used algae killer it revealed that it was also fish killer.
  7. It was probably on the exporter's list as that, but should have been corrected to have been cleared by Maf.
  8. I had some of them in a pond many years ago and they hardly grew at all over two years. They need cold clean highly oxygenated water which you don't find in a goldfish pond.
  9. Does someone have them for sale? Whites have been around for a while but never heard of an albino.
  10. It would theoretically be possible for diseases to be carried on plants
  11. alanmin4304


    All danios are reasonably easy, as the man says---breed the ones you can easily get rid of because without much trouble you could get lots.
  12. Might be worth a look at the hydroponics place in Cashel by Barbadoes they have that sort of stuff for hydroponics I think.
  13. Wonder tonic is very usefull for the right treatments so keep it. 25% water changes is a lot. I usually do about 50% once a week. If you have plants you will need nutrient for them. Don't get clean clean it is a fish tank and bnot a ffod preparation surface. Clean the filter when it is gunked up and the gravel when the gunk is excessive on top. The good bacteria feed on the gunk on both.
  14. Plants require a number of "building blocks" to grow including carbon. It can be made available through injecting CO2 gas, having fish in the tank (which produce CO2 through respiration) or by adding Flourish excel or similar.
  15. formaldehyde is formalin solution and is available from your vet. Reasonably cheap last time I bought it. It is used to control parasites and viruses. Anything which kills bacteria, viruses or parasites is going to be toxic and should be treated with the respect it deserves.
  16. When the female is ready to breed the ovipositer will be visable. Just keep an eye on them because if the female is not ready and does not co operate she will get beaten up.
  17. I have just bought a couple of copper swords off Trademe. I have no idea at this stage what they are. They have not arrived yet. Anybody got any ideas what the correct name is?
  18. The Java Fern in the picture above is best left alone as it will just get longer with leaves of the same size. They feed through the leaves so are stronger if the plant has a few leaves rather than being chopped up. You can chop it up when it gets realy big.
  19. If you only want to look at them you could get a selection of males only. You could mix nothos or gardneri or australe but best not all together I would think.
  20. You can divide the Rhizome with some Amazon Swords but it is best to look after it and it will reward you by sending out a flower stem with heaps of small plants on it.
  21. I just read the info properly and realised you are in Christchurch. What area are you in? If you are not too far away I can show you what to do. PM me if yore interested. It is always handy in this hobby to know how to build fish tanks. Mrs Google is not realy God's Mother in Law and you don't need to grind the edges,just take the sharp edges off for safety.
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