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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Take the breeding tank and drop the water leval down to about 1/3. Place this tank in the grow out tank and start adding water from that until breeding tank is full, then tip out contents. Clean tank for next lot and go have a cup of tea.
  2. There are two easier ways I can think of, others may have more. 1 Keep one jar empty and have a bucket of clean water. Fill empty with clean water, tip one jar and fish into net, put fish in clean jar, clean jar and fill with clean water and repeat. 2 When I was breeding them I had tanks that were 600mm x 600mm. I made tanks that were slightly smaller with stainless steel mesh on the bottom and divided into compartments about 75mm square. put a male in each one and excess food drops out the bottom and can be siphoned off. To do a water change lift the internal tank 3/4 of the way up and drop again. I had glass straps that they rested on so the internal tanks were off the bottom.
  3. Was joking. ride is on if you wish but I guess the first train ride would be hard to compete with.
  4. Striatum were around 30 years ago but I think they disapeared (but have come back). The ones around now seem to have more colour. They tend to fade out in shops where they insist on puting them under strong light and they fade out and hide often. The species that retain their colour seem more commercial.
  5. I have just transfered the deposit for conference and will be driving up in the car. Any one wanting a ride is welcome but preference will of course be given to good looking ladies and young pepsi drinking males need not apply. A small donation for petrol would be looked on favourably.
  6. If you are in Queenstown with no close fish clubs you could join the killi club. They are the only fish where you can send the eggs through the post---A LOT EASIER THAN GOING TO INVERCARGILL
  7. One of the biggest jobs for border control is preventing the importation of illegal drugs. If it is not on the approved list it is illegal ( even if it is a cure for fish disease rather than "P." ) The rubbish I get with my Emails would indicate that there are a number of lovely Russian women out there (probably a fat 65 year old Nigerian male in fact) and a lot of men wanting drugs to assist them with that relationship. Many of the Asian countries do not have the controls on fish cures (particularly antibiotics) that should be there so their use in those area can be indiscriminate. This creates resistance and makes fish cures more difficult here. The biggest worry is the resistance created in human disease. I am therefore in favour of the importation of legal drugs only. We love to talk about the free market and avoiding control by "Nanny State" and so we should all be happy about what results from that---high prices. Long live the free market place.
  8. I understand there are a number of causes of dropsy. The characteristic signs are indicative of fluid retention through kidney failure but there may be a range of causes. That is one reason why it is hard to cure.
  9. Was the hitch hiker very small and with a green hat?
  10. It is cycled when there is no amonia or nitrite detected. As stated, you need to add more fish gradually so the bacteria multiply to the balance leval with the fish numbers you intend to keep. Just add fish slowly.
  11. Should put a few cute wee fishies in the swimming pool
  12. The only thing that is cheap in Queenstown is the baby birds.
  13. I don't think there is a practical cure I was thinking more of the possibility of slowing down the cause and maybe preventing the problem in the remaining fish.
  14. I have never successfully treated it yet but it may be that it is too late by the time I spot it. I haven't had it in years but some fish are susceptable and I stay away from them. I was thinking of the article and it saying that it started with a virus. It is like a lot of diseases where fish can resist them until weakened by stress. It might put a kink in the virus but it is nasty stuff and plants and fish don't like it.
  15. I use river sand as it is free of shell and has smoothb edges. Sharp sand would not be good as it might sandpaper their barbels
  16. alanmin4304


    We have had a wet week and I have managed to get eggs from nigerianus yesterday. Have had them before but they wouldn't hatch. I found recently that most strains were laying eggs on the bottom rather than on the mops and the eggs were no good. Got these off the mops so see what happens.
  17. Thanks, will keep a close eye out. No more this morning but have enough to get going again. Many thanks. Don't forget the sisters from that batch could be carrying the gene also and interbreeding might increase your chances.
  18. I have not kept Jordanella so am guessing here a bit. Wunder tonic contains a raft of ingredients including malachite green and killies are sensitive to that. It is the quinine in there that will be most effective against white spot but that is no use if they are dead from Malachite. Others who have more knowledge of these fish could advise better. Have sent you a PM.
  19. I have always regarded dropsy to be incurable in practice. By the time you spot the symptoms it is pretty well too late. The swelling is caused by fluid retention as a result of kidney damage that can be caused by a number of things. To treat for a virus is not easy and antibiotics work on bacteria. Formaldehyde might do the trick but it is pretty nasty. To kill hydra you can use 6mls of 35% formalin soln/100litres and it has no effect on fish or plant according to my reference. At 12mls/100litres (for planaria) it advises to remove fish. I have used it at high strength without plant or fish to kill planaria and it worked so I have no knowledge of its effect on both. It is likely that the remaining fish will die anyway so it may be worth a go and it may clean up the tank. It is deadly stuff. I couldn't get it from the chemist but I got it OK from a vet. I think farmers use it for foot rot.
  20. I think it may have been a gold australe with no spots--- could have been the other Alan.
  21. I think there was a post here a while ago where someone had one that was also different and they were trying to establish that. Haven't heard anything since. Someone may recall.
  22. I have posted and given eggs which got driven round the country but none hatched even when they had eyed up. Put them in water with a little meth blue but no good. Barrie sent me some ausrale gold eggs and so far this morning I have removed over a dozen fry. He put his in peat. I have hatched them before from peat and it does seem the way to go. Of course Wok would be the exception. He turned up with a coke bottle half full of water with eggs and I got a 100% hatch. I will try and return the favour by sending some eggs in peat and see if I can get it right finally.
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