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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I am no expert on axis but if the tank is too small you could move to plan B and breed fire bellied newts and watch them do the full cycle and go through to newts.
  2. NZ geckos to Europe---they get big bicks so all about the dollar. They will be smuggled. They also say not available. Must be waiting on the next shipment.
  3. Most people treat with 1 in 20 solution of chlorine bleach. No point if the plants have been grown emersed, and his are.
  4. One mainlander with his head in the right place.
  5. You can get rid of it in a pond with barley straw and I think you can buy a liquid extract that may do the job in a tank. Eurethromycin will nock it as well but is prescription only med and will require a visit to the vet.Furan can be obtained from pet shops and does not require prescription and it will knock it as well. It is normally caused by an imbalance of nitrogen and phosphorus so adding nitrate may also control it. Too much waste is usually the cause and cheap fishfoods are usually high in phosphate.
  6. Your list is of NZ natives but these are strains. A zoo would have the permits to keep them but my question was can they be kept in private hands or would you need a zoo permit.The planners might get nickers in a twist if you applied for a zoo permit in a residential zone
  7. I see there is a baby Cunninghams Skink (Egernia cunninghami) for sale on trademe. Anyone know how long they have been in the country and are they legal in private hands?
  8. The colour fading in neon tetra disease is characteristic of neons feeling out of sorts for all sorts of reasons. I have always thought of ntd being incurable although I have seen importers in the good ol days treat with formalin. I think it only held the signs off for a while until they could offload them. I would suspect it is something else but hard to guess.
  9. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  10. If it leaks from being picked up empty the the RTV has deteriorated and I would pull it apart and re glue the whole thing.
  11. Yellow leaves over all of plant is lack of iron,yellow leaves in conjunction with green spot algae is lack of phoshate and pinholes is lack of potassium.The brown spots on the leaf is natural and is why that plant is called Echinodorus ozelot (after the spots on an ozelot).
  12. There were orange zebra danios with the same genetic modification released by MPI because they will not employ people who know about fish. They seem to think that a good knowledge of horses will be good enough. They will still be out there as well but it amazes me how many people think they are cute. Now and again some idiot tries to sell them on trademe.
  13. It must increase the hardness as the CO2 will be produced from the carbonate but it will not get rid of the calcium so the more CO2 you get the more the hardness will increase. Since the carbonate reacts with the hydrogen ion it will also raise the pH. I think there would be better ways of getting CO2 --like out of a cylinder.
  14. I would have thought 60-70 grams would be about normal for a male.
  15. They must have been imported in to NZ originally so I see no reason why they could not be exported. Advice from someone with experience in shipping them would be good but I think they would be OK if packaged properly.
  16. The cat was only doing what cats do. That is why cats should be kept under stricter control. I will be free if you want to be frank.
  17. Sorry, I didn't mean to make anyone feel unwelcome. I have seen a few obese leopard geckos lately and have a thing about treating animals poorly (which is what overfeeding is as well as underfeeding). A free and frank discussion is always good so I will be free if you want to be frank.
  18. I am not suggesting the rules are right only that they are not encouraged. I know some marine fish were prohibited for that reason.
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