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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. You sound like you may be going to medicate your fish to death. Why not make sure it is in clean cycled water and leave it for a while and all may come right.
  2. It is all about what you find important and everyone has different priorities. You may find in one year or two peoples circumstances (including your own) have changed. A lot depends on how much equity people have in their assets. The banks were loaning 100% on properties and when the value drops by 25% the banks may not feel like renewing loans when the house is worth a lot less than the mortgage. Rental properties are not bought for cash and many people are now mortgaged to the hilt and sweating hard. All was revealed in the share crash in the eighties when people were paying $10 for shares with an asset backing of next to nothing. Soon they had a bowl of custard.
  3. The parents will bring them out when they start feeding. At that stage you can siphon them out.
  4. What anoys me is when retailers don't give a discount for cash. If they give interest free for 18 months they are paying interest so it is added to the purchase price. If they accept credit cards they are paying at least 4% so I ask for that off for cash and if not they get to pay the 4% and I pay it all off each month and avoid the interest. I hate paying interest so pay the credit card off every month. That way I only spend as much as I can pay off. Christmas has little to do with Christ and a lot to do with profit so we treat it pretty much like any other day but spend time with friends and family.
  5. Looks like whitespot but I don't know what would be safe to treat it with.
  6. alanmin4304


    Metro is mainly used to treat protozoa rather than as an antibiotic
  7. Take them out with an eye dropper and put them into clean water from the same tank they have been floating in. Feed them bbs or micriworm or both but don't overfeed. At that age they can only eat a few and too much will be left over and rot causing a bacterial bloom that will starve the fry of O2 and kill them.
  8. I have had a number of pet magpies and they are great pets but a bit like naughty teenagers.
  9. alanmin4304


    I feed heaps of bloodwormas and have never had dropsy in 30 years. Dropsy is caused by a number of things but I don't think bloodworms is one of them. Some fish are more susceptable to it than others. Dwarf guaramis for instance.
  10. I am using a few tanks that I made over 30 years ago and they had been sitting out in the weather for over 20 years---they are still OK. I think some brands of RTV are better than others. Can't rememember what brand I used but it should feel soft and flexible.
  11. You can remove half the roots on the swords as well--they grow new roots when transplanted. The pots do nothing but restrict the roots and the plants are normally in rockwool which is inert and used in hydroponics.
  12. I have used a mixture of meth blue or malachite or acriflavine or all three on eggs without problems. FORMALDEHYDE MAY GET AT THE BABIES WHEN THEY HATCH---DEPENDS WHAT STRENGTH
  13. It is unusual because it is usually picked up in Quarantine and is not usually treated by most importers I have spoken to. Chances are it is something else. The treatment for mycobacterium in humans is protracted and the cure is often described as worse than the disease. I had piscene TB on imported goldfish and destroyed them and at that time maf did the same thing. The thing that got me was that I destroyed the ones that had it and they destroyed fish that didn't ---much to my discust.
  14. They could be a number of different shellfish. If they are mussels they will be the same shape as a mature mussel
  15. If it is you that is infected you should see a doctor because there are a number of antibiotics which are used and over a protracted period. If fish are infected they are usually destroyed as they are very difficult to cure and the risk to humans is too great. Are you sure this is what you are dealing with?
  16. I think it is blassii--- the flowers are similar.
  17. There is a red and green variety and I think they are both Mayaca (others may not agree) Some green varieties of plants may show some red in good light (see ambulia above) so it is hard to say what you have unless you grow both plants in the same conditions. Although I have not seen it I would suspect that Rotala wallichi would be more like Ludwigia arcuata and be a firmer leaf like other Rotala sp. whereas mayaca is more like a myriophylum with softer leaves.
  18. A picture might help people offer better advice.
  19. Are you enquiring about tuberculosis in humans, piscene tuberculosis, mycobacterium marinum, leprosy or some other mycobacterium?
  20. The plant s not red through low light. Adodge a pic would be good.
  21. You grow it in shallow water with good light and let it develop into the emersed form. You then take the emersed growth and put it into water to get it to root then grow it like a potplant until it flowers. The other way is to do what our friend is doing to flower Cryptocoryne species. I don't grow it because it requires more light than I use and probably wouldn't even grow in sunlight without extra lights so most people would not be able to grow it successfully. Emersed plants generally need less light than submersed so it is converting it that is the problem. I can grow glosso and Ludwigia arcuata emersed but not submersed.
  22. It is a moot point. Some think it is Mayaca, others that it is Rotala wallichii. I think it is Mayaca as every time I have bought R. wallichii and flowered it the flowers are like R. rotundifolia and I understand R. wallichii flowers are white. I don't grow it so perhaps someone might like to convert some to emersed and flower it.
  23. Looking at that pick the leaves don't look like affinis---more like blassii. Are the leaves red underneath and wide with crinkles?
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