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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I have looked at it a few times and still can't work out what it is.
  2. The tubes produce light over a greater area.
  3. Neons are generally more prolific and easier to breed than cardinals and rummy nose and this is reflected in the price. They do best as "teanagers" rather than "big fat oldies". You may do better breeding from locally bred ones too rather than imports. Don't breed from any that show any sign of fading colour.
  4. The only ones I know of that say thay can be submersed are JBL and the price reflects that.
  5. Does Denny have a lifelike doll?
  6. The places I take advice from are where I am talking to the owner. It is great in theory but it is pretty hard to instill enthusiasm in a young kid that is being paid very little and has few prospects to advance. The owners have a lot more to gain and generally respond accordingly. Do you have a fast car available that will get me to the rugby on time?
  7. It would be nice if we did get good service from underpaid kids with no real training but I think it would be as likely to happen as buying a good honest second hand car from a politician.
  8. I agree. I guess I am saying to always double check what you are told unless you know for sure that the advise you are being given is good. Most people working in these places are being paid very little and respond accordingly. It is often a bit like expecting great service from checkout people at the supermarket who are realy only there to take your money. You may get great service but I would not expect it.
  9. There should be no reason why that would not work well. Just include a backflow preventer on the line and all should be good.
  10. Siamese algae eaters and flying foxes are not the same and they remove algae best when small. Your plants must be established and growing well before they will strip nutrient and starve algae. The system is a living thing and has to obtain a balance. It can take quite some time for the plants to become established and a properly functioning part of the equation. Move slowly and take small steps.
  11. Sales people are sales people and are there to sell, not advise. That is the reality of life in a capitalist society. This is why we have sites like this with people with all sorts of specialist knowledge which you can get for free. You and I might like to advise people to the best of our ability but these people will be judged by the egg heads upstairs by the amount of money they bring into the business. The people who own these shops are in the business of making money by selling pet stuff to you and me. This site is here to advise and help people, and it is free so buy from the shops and get your advice here. I don't ever ask people in shops for advice (other than the odd person I have known for years). I am presently getting good advice from a number of people here in order to get my next project underway and extend "the zoo" further.
  12. A UV sterilizing light should be completely enclosed as it will destroy your eyes. I am not sure about reptile lights and plants but suspect it would be good for reptiles and not plants.
  13. Do you mean a reptile light or a UV sterilizing light?
  14. I have golden zebra loaches and clowns and they both do a good job. I think skunks can get a bit agro with your fish when they get bigger.
  15. Crossing different species can produce low or no fertility.
  16. As Ira said animals build what they need from building blocks. Proteins are a double helix of phosphate with amino acids hanging off and the arrangement of the amino acids determine what type of protein it is. Where or how this comes about doesn't realy matter so long as they get the building blocks. The things you and the hairy legged scott mention are vegetable matter anyway.
  17. I don't think a reptile light would be too good for plants or fish and a proper UV light will destroy your eyes. Plants need red and blue light.
  18. I have lots of worms in my compost heap and my turtles love them. Tiger worms are what are sold for worm farms and are not the same thing.
  19. If the iother plants are OK they should be too.
  20. Growlux is 10000k. You have toooooo many naughts. Marine is for marine and I don't think it would be much good for plants.
  21. With good light they will go red/brown. They are also one of the hardier Crypts (come from Sri Lanka where the water is pretty hard so will tolerate a range of conditions)
  22. I am building an enclosure also but from 12mm ply. It will be 1600 x 600 x 1200mm high and divided into two seperate stories. I tried breeding locusts in an old aquarium with an mdf lid and light bulb and had limited success. I suspect that the mdf was giving off formalin with the heat of the bulb so stayed away from it with the terrarium. The locusts are now doing well in an Eko terrarium so it could be formalin or better ventilation (or both). I was planning to put a vent each end for each compartment but haven't worked out the size yet.
  23. They may be a brown variety such as (wendtii brown) that has been grown emersed where the leaves are usually green and therefore the new growth would be brown. The red or brown colour is usually increased with good light. They do propagate with runners.
  24. I stand corrected. It looks the same as zeolite but must be the mark 2 model. I also see that it claims to remove contaminants but it actually swaps them (ion exchange) The cations would be swapped for sodium ions as with zeolite I guess but the anions I don't know about. It would be interesting to see what it swaps for.
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