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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I keep my cysts in the fridge and hatch them each day. Fry will survive and grow on decap but there is nothing like a live one to make them feel hungry. Their natural instinct is to snap at things that are moving and are bite sized. Decap is the next best thing and is less hassle. I am usually feeding fry and fire bellies as well so I am hatching every day anyway.
  2. There are two types of decap. The one we get here is hatched brine shrimp nuplii that have been freeze dried but you can also decap the cysts and store them in brine before hatching them and the advantage is that it is all brine shrimp nuplii with no rubish. I don't know anyone who does the latter. Live nuplii is moving and encourages the fry to eat it. decap goes to the bottom and often gets missed by other than botton feeders. You should soak freeze dried decap before feeding to rehydrate it.
  3. He's a dinkum Aus. Left blankie and gone walkabout.
  4. I am just having a bit of a rest, and I am number two.
  5. The only realistic way to do it would be to get an importer to bring in the fish you want from a supplier that they use along with one of their normal shipments, pay all expenses up front, and be prepared to lose the lot if there are any problems. Testing for diseases can cost thousands of dollars and an importer is not likely to take the risk. Their normal markup would be at least 100% over all expenses. To try to get one box from an unknown supplier would not normally be on. It used to be that the importers treated diseases when suspected but now maf have to approve the treatment. Fish are tested for disease and if found a treatment is prescribed, you are billed for the tests and the fish are probably dead by the time a treatment has been decided.
  6. It always amazes me how a turtle can fit all those eggs into its shell let alone a baby getting back into a shell.
  7. There used to be quarantine in Australia, less than here, about two weeks I think. It may vary from state to state. I think the states is open slather, and look at their rivers because of that.
  8. it is not only the joists, but the bearers holding the joists and the span of the bearers over the piles. You would be best to chat up an engineer when you select the house you want. That (and most large tanks) would be a lot more than is normally on a domestic floor. The height is more than your average tank as well, and that is where the challenge starts.
  9. Well done. Now you just have to keep it up.
  10. He a good lookin fella. Just a bit confused. Not to worry---it is not infectious.
  11. People seem to forever wonder why importing is not a get rich quick occupation. As well as the cost of fish and freight there can be some horendous bills for testing for diseases if maf think there is one present and then those fish or the whole shipment can be destroyed if the disease is bad enough. If it was cheap and easy everyone would be doing it.
  12. You can get a lot of fighters in a fish box but not many large discus.
  13. I used to breed, raise and sell 50000 tropical fish a year and always did it in bare bottom tanks. One of the problems with gravel in the bottom is sterilizing it between batches of fish. A bare tank is easy to clean and sterilize. It more importantly keeps the food on the bottom visible so you can see if you are overfeeding and the fry can see the food rather than have it hidden in the gravel rotting.
  14. alanmin4304

    Best Cichlid

    Are you sure you are determining the sex correctly? To the best of my knowledge gay fish don't produce offspring without adoption.
  15. It must be all the gold in the green and gold---They strains.
  16. This one hatched in 75 days at 28 deg. How long do yours usually take?
  17. We bought them off people who got three lots of eggs last year but none hatched. We have 12 eggs from 18 in the first lot. 21 in the second, all of which were no good. We have 7 from 16 in the third lot about 3 weeks after the first. We are learning, so are hoping to do better next year. 55 eggs would have required a lot of live food if they had all hatched, so we will need to get better at that as well. The first one hatched in 75 days but no signs of activity with the rest although the eggs look OK.
  18. I have promised most of them to our local pet shop and they have a lot pre ordered so will see what is left, The male is a red (more of a salmon) and the female is a red / yellow. The baby is showing a nice pattern and none of the colour from the parents but they should be stunners. Will try to get some pics when parents have finished sloughing.
  19. I am hoping that by WC you are meaning water change and not water closet
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