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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Not compulsory but brine shrimp nuplii are better food value. If the first lot were belly sliders they would not have eaten either.
  2. Red eared turtles are not happy on a pallet diet as adults need about a third of theit diet to be vegetation.
  3. I am past redemption but my partner is right into it big time and the grandkids are right into the games.
  4. Mrs Google may sit on the right hand side of god but she can be influenced by advice given from people that only think they know what they are talking about. For that reason I try to make sure that she is giving me information provided by people that do know what they are talking about. If you look at the food chart provided with the bearded dragon care sheet you will find that they have a very high P to Ca ratio and therefore unless additional calcium is provided the calcium required for the absortion of the P will be drawn from the bones of the reptile resulting in MBD. They also have a hard chiton exterior and are not easy to digest. They should be fed only occasionally according to that chart. In my view they are fed too much and it is usually because they are easy to culture and cheap to buy rather than being the best food available. I do feed them but only occasionally, and I would suggest that that you work hard at getting to know how to culture other live foods before your leopard geckos arrive.
  5. There was a guy down here that imported a heap of fancy lovebirds and kept then during quarantine in a purpose built aviary at his home. Can't remember the Q time but I think 6 weeks.
  6. It is not true provided you give the right sized bugs to your babies.
  7. They are available on Trademe and many pet shops and are used by most exotic lizard keepers that I know. There are various types available.
  8. It probably dissipates quicker than that. My point is that the chloramines don't.
  9. I have bought them from that guy in Dunedin and the only ones cheaper at the time were the ones I bred myself. It was a good hassle free transaction and I was happy with the very good service. It took me a few mistakes and a bit of time to get a reliable and continuous breeding program going so you may not get it right first time, but if you want to keep reptiles it certainly pays to breed your own, have deep pockets or be prepared to not feed your pets properly.
  10. Why not use a heat emitter and a thermostat. That way you get no light and controlled heat. A heat pad will only give you localized heat.
  11. In some countries monochloramine is used to disinfect water supplies rather than Chlorine. It is used because chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent and reacts with other compounds in the water supply to form nasties which monochloramine does not. It is used in about 25% of the USA. It is a requirement of the Department of Health in NZ that chlorine is used as it is a better disinfectant than monochloramine. All proteins are a double helix of phosphates with various amino acids hanging off them and all living things contain proteins. Chlorine reacts with amino acids and other nitrogen compounds to form monochloramine, then dichloramine and then trichloramine. This is called the chlorine demand when chlorinating water supplies and there will be no free available chlorine until this demand is satisfied. As the chlorine dissapates the equilibrium changes and the chloramines move back to monochloramine and this is the compound that irritates your eyes in a swimming pool and the compound that people think they are smelling as chlorine. The way to fix that problem is to add more chlorine and push the chloramines up to the trichloramine state and this is not so irritating. It is always the case therefore that chlorinated water supplies contain chloramines and they will not be removed by storage, heating or aeration, but will be moved to the monochloramine state which is the one that is most dangerous to your fish. The only way to remove the monochloramine is with chemicals such as sodium thiosulphate which is the active ingredient in treatments available from the pet shop. Removing the monochloramine this way will release some ammonia but it is generally in the more harmless ammonium state.
  12. Free or expensive they are not the same plant.
  13. That is to encourage people to part with their money. The snakes will remain quite safe and well looked after in New Plymouth (with an H)
  14. windelov is quite different to needle leafed Java fern and so is the price.
  15. Hope to make it now, so look foreward to meeting up at some stage.
  16. Wok is the antijumping fish trainer if you need assistance with training.
  17. The light wont get through the polystyrene backing.
  18. belly sliders in angels are usually caused by the temperature being low during hatching, That is a nice looking true blusher in the pic
  19. A picture would be great. What were the parents like?
  20. CO2 will probably help as most algaes don't like acid conditions.
  21. Got my mother in hospital and family arriveing from all over so wont be able to make it now. Wish you well and have a good time.
  22. Luv the calcs. Gases are fluids but don't behave like liquids. The plants will thank you anyway.
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