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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I don't have any tanks with high light. Mine are low to moderate and are all t8s. Some of my tanks have lights on up to 16-17 hours/day but 12-14 is enough realy. Flourish excel is a source of usable cabon but it also has an algaecidal affect that they don't advertise (something to do with the laws in the US I think) I have just got a tank with 3 t8s going to convert emersed pup Echinodorus to submersed.
  2. The problem is that the females are plain like guppies and you cannot tell one type from another so you don't mix the females together. You can mix a number of males together but they don't breed so well without females.
  3. Blue tends to make plants grow in a compact form and red makes them tall and skinny.
  4. Just because they are here doesn't mean they can be legally kept by individuals out of confinement. That is a whole other ball game.
  5. I don't have a lot of killies at the moment but I am happy to help with advice. I got busy with other stuff and gave my killies to other locals who are breeding them successfully. Send me a PM if you are interested. Of course members of the killie club get looked after pretty well.
  6. That was not my point. It was that I know poa stops on death but the power of the executor and trustee are established at probate. The bank wanted a letter of instruction and said they would pay all the bills---I didn't ask but don't think that would have been a free service. I am not concerned, it will be sorted shortly and my mothers wishes will be carried out and that is the important thing.
  7. I use both in different situations.
  8. Things are going well realy. Got to see my brother and two sisters who I hadn't seen for a while. Got to sit with my mother as she died and life is a terminal disease so you are doing well to get to 97 and have very good health for abouit 96.5 of those. Mum had everything sorted completely. The funeral directors had every detail layed out and the service was completely planned. The will is very clear and divides everything evenly. She gave the few valuables she had to who she wanted to have them while she was alive. So it is not a problem. It just amazes me that you can get probate without a death certificate and I am sole executor (which is established with probate), I have had power of atorney for years and am known to the bank, yet they want more hassles and paper work. I have sorted it and it will be transfered to my Bank a/c at another bank from which I will then carry out mums requests without a problem. If we had paid the lawyers and banks there would be nothing left to worry about.
  9. I bought his last one today but I understand he has more coming next week.
  10. I didn't need a death certificate to get probate and the bank wouldn't release the money even with propbate. They wanted a letter telling them what to do with the money. I therefore told them what to do with money---transfer it to another bank with more nouce.
  11. You can get a proper plug in thermostat that will keep the temperature at what you set it at (at the position of the probe sensor), or you get get a dimmer type thingy that turns the temperature down to what you measure it at. Sometimes the reptiles are the cheapest bit.
  12. My computer illiteracy delayed things a bit as when I had sorted the forms I didn't know how to send them back so I printed them and took them in. She showed me how to do it and it was all go. Without that it would have taken half the time. I was very profuse in my thanks and let everyone know she deserved a sabstantial rise. In my book that puts lawyers in the same class as politicians and second hand car salesmen. You only need the original copy of the will from the lawyers and $75.
  13. I had power of attorney over my mother's bank a/c and went in yesterday to withdraw the money to pay the funeral bill etc. Sorry, when the person dies power of attorney ceases so you have to get your lawyers to apply for probate (I am sole executer of the will). Ring the lawyers who say 3-4k to sort out so I go down to the high court and ask the lady in the office what is required. She was very helpful and said that she had all the forms on her computer because she had recently organised probate on her brother in laws estate. She Emailed them to me and I changed the relevant bits and sent them back. A few minutes later I get a phone call saying if you come in now with $75 we can sort it because the Registrar is going on holiday. $75 and less than 3 hours and sorted. That lady deseves a DB (OR BETTER)
  14. They look like great pieces of art but how many insects are there out there that look like them. If a fish is feasting on a plain green beetle I doubt it would be very interested in a gaudy gay beetle from the flower power days of the 60s.
  15. Ozelot is a hybrid with leopard and is medium sized at best. Roundish leaves and a nice plant though. E. Argentinensis is large ---up to 1200mm but like most similar plants you are likely to only see stalks under the water.
  16. There are a number of plants sold as osiris which are somerthing else but the true osiris gets quite large with round leaves. I had one pushing the lids off a 500mm high tank.
  17. That is possible I guess. Usually there will be some nitrate in rivers and streams from fertilizers etc.
  18. Where abouts does your water supply come from? 0 is unusual.
  19. Marble queen is a varigated form of cordifolius. Uraguayensis has narrow leaves like vallisneria
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