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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. alanmin4304


    Dropsy is a sign of excessive fluid retention which is caused by kydney failure. There may be any number of causes for the kydney failure and some may or may not be infectious. I have never seen a fish cured permanently of dropsy in all the years I have been keeping fish and I think the best thing to do is kill the fish humanely.
  2. The only chemicals I could see them adding would be chlorine if bacteria had been found or repairs had been carried out, or sodium hydroxide if the pH needed to be corrected. Tha latter is not normal and it is actually extremely difficult to properly chlorinate water reticulation after carrying out repairs. Chlorine may have been added in areas where damage was caused to the reticulation but I think it unlikely of late and can be overcome with commercial additives at waterchange time.
  3. The hardness of Christchurch water supply is generally aroung 45ppm expressed as calcium carbonate. If you ring the Council and ask them about gh & kh they will not have a clue what you are talking about. This is soft by international standards but has been about that figure for many years. The nitrate levels will increase as you move from the Wiaimakariri towards lake ellesmere. All live bearers do better with a little salt and hardness added to the water.
  4. Will try but some were seperated from the labels during the first shake. Swordplants top from left uraguayensis, leopard, (parvifloris hidden behind), horizontalis.extreme right tenellus tenellus. Hidden at back-tenellus tenellus, tenellus parvula middle from left barthii,ozelot,rose, not sure, another type of rose (smaller) front from left red rubin, red special
  5. Some of the swords with runners
  6. Emersed leopard The smaller runners are from a parviflorus hidden behind the leopard, but there are four good runners there.
  7. Since I posted here, my one and only emersed leopard has produced four runners, each with 2-3 pups. They seem to sit and do nothing or go nuts. Emersed leopard would be one of the more difficult swords to convert to submersed which would be one of the reasons there are not many about. Has there been any change to the plant in question since increasing the ferts? Jennifer had a few submersed leopards that were developing pups at a rate of knots but I haven't been able to get a sneaky look of late. Converting it to emersed would be an option but it generally takes a long time to get the plant back up to a happy state.
  8. To avoid your lying and to help with your continued striving to get to heaven I will explain. Both of the machines are called vacuum trucks. They have a large vacuum pump attatched to a large tank and the pump is used to create a vacuum in the tank prior to use.The inlet end has a gate valve which controls the amount of air/liquid/mud/etc that is sucked up and because the chamber is pre evacuated there is no risk of material being sucked into the vacuum pump. Now that all is clear as mud and we are all on the bus to heaven --some suggestions: If the collection chamber were larger it could be pre evacuated and therefor made more portable and also the suckie end would be working for longer. This method would also avoid the risk of sucking things into the suckymota.
  9. It is like a small scale septic tank desludger or the machines that suck out the stormwater silt trap sumps on the side of the road.
  10. At that age I would be giving a lot more locusts and dusted with calcium every time.
  11. Out of the river if it is a wild caught discus.
  12. I think wax moth larvae have more fat than mealies.
  13. Lots of people feed mealworms to beardies (including me). They are fat and should be fed with a good mixture of other foods including the right vegetables/fruit and insects like crickets and locusts. You want to avoid feeding them or anything else exclusively.
  14. If they are being and continue to be bred the price should come down to something that more people can afford (and hopefully also breed). Congrats to anyone who has been successful. Leopard geckos were $1500 last year and now $450 on trademe. I think they are a spectacularly handsome fish.
  15. You can't breed fish but you can give them the ideal conditions for them to do it themselves.
  16. Expensive fish and reptiles have a magnetic attraction to some not very honest and not very nice opportunistic thieving people
  17. If you can buy the plants as soon as they arrive in the shop and put them in a glass of water on the window sill until they grow roots, or float them till they get roots, you will have less chance of them rotting off at the base. Generally, red plants need a lot of light.
  18. I have kept Fundulopanchax in a pond outside over summer without any problems.
  19. 6am and a 5.1 to keep us on our toes. No damage so have parcelled it up and sent it up north.
  20. Would the pool remain cool enough for natives to survive?
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