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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Horses are checked and cleared of diseases before being sent overseas just as it is proposed that fish will be able to be cleared of certain diseases if exported from countries certified as clear of that disease. You are missing the point here I think. There are requirements for the quarantine of imported fish. If you wish to import fish you will need to meet these requirements. These requirements will cost money and in a user pays society you will pay. If you don't like the requirements for importing fish why don't you import something else that does not require quarantine. Since this discussion is going around in circles and getting nowhere I no longer wish to contribute.
  2. The straight leafed Vals are a nono.
  3. That is the one. It may not be cheap rom a chemist as it would probably be analar grade.
  4. You can use sodium thiosulphate at 3 grams per 100 litres if you know how much water you need to treat. It will take care of chlorine and chloramines. If you cannot get hold of any and you know how much water you want to treat, send me a PM and I can give you some.
  5. It is also a bit pointless saying "I told you so" after nothing happens. You pays your money and takes your pick.
  6. -Pointless info as fish do not carry pulmonary TB.
  7. I lost three small tanks in the garage when the stand (a writing desk) tipped over but a two story stand with 2 x 4 footers only spilled some water. I built them myself from 10mm glass with euro bracing and plastic (polycarbonate) lids. This has been the same for all shakes.
  8. The 350 to 400 TB cases are not piscine tuberculosis and have nothing to do with fish. There are different forms of TB and the one relevant to the quararantine of fish is piscine (fish) TB.
  9. There are benefits in terms of climate I think. I grow a lot of plants emersed but in a glasshouse and it is fast coming to the time when they will have to be moved inside as they will not survive outside in an unheated glasshouse this far south in shakyland.
  10. EQC pay the first 20k on contents but you need to inform them and your own insurance company. If you don't know the value of a broken tank for example---inform them both and say you will get back to them when you can get a value from a petshop or whatever. They will give you a reference number to quote when you get back to them. List everything because they will probably give you a cheque for final payment.
  11. Live food will help. Daphnia, brine shrimp, grindal worms etc.
  12. I used microworms and brine shrimp nuplii. They are bottom feeders so decap is OK also. They will do better in a bare bottom tank.
  13. I speak of the exotic zoonotic disease piscine tuberculosis which has been transmitted from fish in quarantine to people working in the facility on a number of occasions in NZ. There have also been outbreaks of whirling diseease in trout hatcheries and who would know where it originates from. I think you are missing the point a bit. There are many diseases which are not normally found in NZ and the reason they are not is because of the precautions taken at our borders. For instance we have managed to avoid the plague because we do not have rat fleas here and we try to make sure rats are kept out by keeping foreign ships free of rats. This is the purpose of quarantine, not to respond after there has been a massive outbreak of disease. The same applies to diseases of fish.
  14. Our neighbour had the insurance rep out yesterday looking at her rented house next door (tenant has gone to Nelson for a break). He discovered our insurance was with his company also so he looked our place over while in the area. Contractors are coming Tuesday to remove the chimney which has toppled at the top but the bricks to ground leval are pretty unstable. It will be a relief to see it down.
  15. As far as I am aware Maf have only recently been testing for iridovirus. There are many fish dying from signs which are the same as iridovirus so there is a good chance that there have been outbreaks. They have not been confirmed because they have not been tested for but it is likely that that disease or a similar one is the cause for mysterious deaths in many fish such as guppies Rams etc (which are proposed to be in the high risk catagory). This is likely to put the price of these fish up so it would be a good time for people to breed good quality healthy fish of these types.
  16. Buttercup family Joe
  17. If you treat to get rid of the free available chlorine and the chloramines it will be fine out of the tap.
  18. You have to admire the Japanese. If Japan is subjected to a lot of earthquakes and they are obviously caused by the whales then they don't just muck about and sit on their hands complaining. They go out to exterminate them.
  19. I also was not impressed by the interview. JC did not give him the chance to explain his theories which I was interested in hearing---even though I think the guy is an idiot and is doing more harm than good.
  20. You would need to assume it is the whole of the area serviced by CCC as of from now.
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