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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Luke, metal and brine don't mix.
  2. Can't view your pic. How big is your tank and how often do you do waterchanges. Is it a BB or planted tank. Is the fish still eating and if not how long has it stop eating. Are the other discus harrasing him/her ? Is the head of the discus nice and thick or skinny ? Lastly where are you from ? Cheers, Ronnie
  3. Discus don't need soft water .Infect they grow very well in hard water which is full of mineral. The only time they need soft water is when you want to breed them. Discus don't need acidic water either. They trive very well in alkaline water too. All they need is stable PH be it ph5 or ph8.4. Fluctuating ph for eg. ph6 one day and ph7.8 another will stress them out. So always try to keep the ph the same. Discus don't need peat filtered water either unless you are breeding them. All peat does is make the water soft and acidic. Baby and juvinile discus don't do very well in graveled planted tank provided you can keep the water quality top notch. They might not grow to their full potential and quite often be stunted. Keeping adult in planted tank is ok. Discus can tolerate a temperature fluctuation of 5 degree without stressing out. Last but not least Discus are not hard to keep. Regular water change, Stable PH, Temperature 28-30 degree C are the key to healthy discus. Hth. Cheers, Ronnie
  4. Prime shouldn't alter your ph. I use it when doing waterchange everyday. Could it be your test kit is faulty? Best way to get rid of nitrate is big water change. Make sure that the water you are putting in have the same PH and temperature if you are doing massive waterchange. hth Cheers, ronnie
  5. agree with Caryl. When I was breeding oranda and because of overstocking in tank and ponds the ph use to crash to below ph6 without affecting the fish. They still grow very well with big wen . In my experience if the fish is listless and sitting on the bottom of the tank all the time, it most certainly have internal decease.
  6. and they might not be getting enough food during feeding. Keep an eye on them when you feed. Cheers, Ronnie
  7. It doesn't work for me when I was using it for my sump (4 ft) servicing 4 4ft tank. Keep getting ammonia spike. Replace it with Eheim media and no more ammonia and nitrite in the water. Water change and feeding routine stay the same. Base on my experience. Cheers, Ronnie
  8. don't expect it to hold much bacteria .
  9. Another batch of red melon. 6 days old. Side view Pattern starting to form on baby turks Turk spawn again Doing the mating dance Another one
  10. Add a couple of clown loaches in the tank. they will feed on the snails. Good luck, Ronnie
  11. It all depend on how concentrated the med is and how much carbon you are putting in to absorb the medications. Melachite green should turn the water green. After the water turn clear will be a good guide. Usually I leave the carbon in for 48 hrs. hth. Cheers, Ronnie
  12. Hey Bluetom , You can get all trhe Hansen products at RD1 in Albany. They sell all the farm irrigation stuff. HTH Cheers, Ronnie
  13. Hi , Baby discus do not grow very well in a planted tank. They need a lot of food and waterchange. It is impossible to keep ideal water condition in a planted tank.If you are happy with the size of 12 mths old discus being around 3 1/2 inches then its ok. But if you want 6 inches discus then I suggest you grow them up in a bare bottom tank and put them in your planted tank when they are adults. Key to big healthy discus is plenty of food and waterchange when they are young. I personally won't put discus with angels. Good tankmate would be cardinals, rummynose, rams, hatchet , cory Always quarantine new fish for at least 2 weeks. I quarantine mine for 6 weeks before mixing it with my existing fish. Hope that help. Cheers, Ronnie
  14. Young adult leopards tank of red melon for pairing Ronnie
  15. Hi Staplez, Nice fish but they are not mine Anyone else out there willing to share pic of their price collections Cheers, Ronnie
  16. Hi Luke, Nice fish you got there. Cheers, Ronnie
  17. Some more pic to share, Snakeskin & Fry Updated pic of Turks babies another Melon babies
  18. Hi Snowman, Try your local electrical trade merchant. People like JA Rusell.
  19. Hi Ben, what is the RSTG cross with? Can you post a pic. Cheers, Ron
  20. Agree with Wok and Suphew. With a 150ltr tank you can grow up to 10 baby/juvinile discus with good filtration and frequent waterchange. As for adult discus 4 max. if you are a begginer. Sometimes I put 30 - 40 fish in a 3ft tank with Daily 80% waterchange and fish are healthy and growing like mad. Angel and Discus = Trouble. Cheers, Ron
  21. Hi Lynne, nice to see another Nth Shore fish lover here. I'm in Beachhaven and love discus too. Cheers, Ronnie
  22. I wouldn't alter the PH as long as it is stable. Just make sure that there is no ammonia in the water. Discus can live in PH8 with no problem. New tank and gravel is the cause of the high PH. Give it a couple of months and it will start crashing when the bio load build up. Cheers, Ronnie
  23. Looking good Jeff Don't worry cos' they're in good hands. You can always get them back when ever you want to get back in it. And come and visit them when you want to. Cheers Ronman
  24. A planted tank with 8 show quality adult Discus, 25 cardinals, 20 rummynose, 2 bristlenose and a couple scavangers
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