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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Yes, they are all mine apart from the planted tank that I post on behalf of Robert (stated on post). Thanks for the compliment. Cheers, Ronnie
  2. Is there any specific reasons why you want to reduce your PH? PH 7.2 is fine for discus. Cheers, Ronnie
  3. Thanks Kim and Wok, Always glad to share what ever little experience I have on Discus with everyone and to help out in every which way I can to get more people into keeping discus. A big Thank You to Kim for inviting me to the meeting. Cheers, Ronnie
  4. Thanks Wok, Nice to meet you too. Cheers, Ron
  5. Turk fry growing well Melon with 5 days old fry Another shot
  6. Melon with fry Leopard breeders
  7. Leopard pair guarding eggs Turk pair carrying 2 days old fry
  8. Checkerboard discus Breeders Another breeder
  9. Another shot of Pupuke Aquarium's Discus Tank. Ronnie
  10. Selamat datang Candela, can't see your picture. Cheers, Ronnie
  11. Hi, if your tank is 13mths old only reason I could think of that cause the ammonia spike would be a power cut at some stage and the bacteria in the canister filter die off??? Just carry on doing the waterchange daily and don't worry about the ammonia level because Ammonia -2 in Ph-6 is alright. Make sure that the water the use is of the same temp. and PH. Cheers, ronnie
  12. Your Ph level is fine. Ammonia should be 0 and so should nitrite. If you can't detect nitrite on the chart means good. there is no such thing as too low in nitrite causing lack of oxygen and poisoning. High nitrite in acidic water causing it to become toxic. When you change water do you add any water ager to take out clorine? Reason why your fish is gasping for air at the surface could be lack of oxygen. Are you using co2? Is there any water movement on the surface of the water (ripple). Try adding an air stone in. I would do a daily 20% waterchange till the ammonia level goes down to Zero. And stop wasting your money on Ammolock. Ammonia reading of 2 in Acidic water is not toxic and will not harm your fish.HTH Cheers, Ronnie
  13. Hi there, how many ltrs of water in your tank. Am I reading something wrong about your nitrite being too low? You want to get the nitrite level to 0 reading. What are your ammonia and Ph reading and what filtration are you using in your tank? I would do a 20% waterchange everyday until all readings come to Zero.
  14. Post on behalf of Robert. Planted tank Cheers, Ronnie
  15. Posting on behalf of Pupuke Aduarium. Planted Tank, Discus supplied by Ronnie's Discus . Cheers, Ronnie
  16. Baby White x pigeon Baby Lady In Red
  17. Hi Caper, look in the ciclid section. Here's one for you
  18. PH 7 is fine for discus. Why do you want to lower it down. How big is your tank and how many fish in it.? How often do you do a waterchange? Cheers, Ronnie
  19. So you did remove the UG filter. That explain why it is cloudy. Keep doing the 20% water change as suggested by Warren and yes you can add Accu-clear to bind all the minute particles together and the filter will do the rest. Check your Ammonia cos' there might be a spike now that you remove your UG filter. Cheers, ron
  20. Hi there, How big is your fish and how many is in the tank? How often do you do a waterchange? Are the discus still eating? Discus excreting white fluffy poo usually mean that they have got internal disease (Hexamita). If the fish is still eating you can add a medicine call Metronidazole to beefheart and feed it to them.If the fish is not eating, then you have to dose the tank. Since it is a big tank you might want to set up a hospital tank to treat the affected discus. PM me if you want more info. HTH Cheers, Ronnie
  21. Hi Blue&Kim, no I don't have any tomato or snake left. I do have some baby Lady In Red and White x Pigeon. They are about 1.5 ins big. Cheers, ron
  22. Hi there, abit more info on your tank would help to find the cause of the problem. How big is your tank. What have you got in there. Any new addition to the tank apart from the filter. Have you remove the U/G filter ?Did you disturbed the gravel? What is the parameter of your water(PH,Nitrite, Nitrate, Amonia) etc.. It might be a bacterial bloom causing the water to go cloudy. I would stop adding stress zyme everyday. Do a big water change and add something like B Clear to clear up the water. HTH cheers, ron
  23. Red Tomato Pearl Diamond Solid Blue Snake Cheers, Ronnie
  24. Freshwest, nice solid blue SS. Keep the pics coming. Cheers, ron
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