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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. BK, post some photo of your discus to share please.
  2. Ben, yes its me. A bit slow on main job at moment so got a bit more time to get the breeding programe going again Currently concentrating on my Leopard and Leopard Snakeskin with golden genes. Will catch up with you at the shop 1 day and post some pic of your nice fish. Come on guys/girls, surely there must be more of you out there that keep Discus. Post some pictures pleaseeee. Cheers, Ronnie
  3. Pigeon Blood F1 Spoted Pigeon Snake
  4. Hi Ben, long time no see. I guess I better clear something up here. Everyone here seems to think I'm Martin (discus haven) Well, I'm NOT Martin. My name is RONNIE. Some of you might know me and might have even bought fish from me before. Does the name sound familier Ben I breed and sell high quality discus. Specialising in RED MELON, RISING SUN (Red and White), LEOPARD AND LEOPARD SNAKE, Other fish I'm breeding are Turks, Snakeskin, Pearl Diamond (Blue/White), Checkerboard Pigeon, Marlboro..... Only breeding true strain discus. Cheers, RONNIE'S DISCUS
  5. While i'm on a roll might as well keep going Rising Sun (R/W)
  6. Hi Caper, what type of water ager are you using? What do the instruction on the bottle says? If it is 5ml/40tlr water you can get a syringe from a chemist and just add 1 ml ager to your 10ltr bucket. fill it with tap water and pour it into tank.HTH
  7. can't seem to get photo up :oops:
  8. Hi guys/girls, very impressive, keep them coming. Ben, nice RSTG ( any babies from him ) Doodle, like the first fish ( any idea what the strain is ? ) Nemo, I have to cull alot of shots just to get those clear ones lol Blue, sorry to dissapoint you ( I am not discus haven ) but i'm in the process of setting up a website. One thing I note that is a lot of you are growing your small discus in planted tanks. Small discus are best grown in BB tanks to get to their pottential size. Reason is they need a lot of feedings and water changes.
  9. oops can't get the pic up. See if it works this time red melon
  10. Hi, would be nice to see what are the different varities and strains of discus that we kept and how popular it is in NZ. So photos of your pride and joy with the strain/name to share will be most appreciated.
  11. I store my water in 5 200 ltr and 1 300 ltr barrel in my fish room with an airstone in each of them. The heat in the fishroom heat the water up to around 25 deg. I syphon 30 to 50% of the water out removing all the poo sitting on the bottom of the tank (bare bottom). Put a pond pump in the barrel with a 25mm clear tube long enough to reach all my tanks and the outlet is connected to 2 25mm bend that is glued together to form a U. Hang it on the tank and swith the pump on. While the tank is filling I'll be siphoning the next tank and so it go on and on and on till all tanks (45) are done. It usually take me 2 to 3 hrs. Longer if I'm wiping glass and cleaning filters. Oh, and I add 5ml of Prime to every 200 ltr water. Hard work but end of the day when you see nice big healthy Discus swimming around you know it's worth it.
  12. do you mean daphnia ???
  13. Hi, you don't have to feed them shrimp.Blood worm and colorbit will be sufficient. Beefheart will be better if you can maintain the water quality. How big is your discus? If it is juvies, it is best to raise them up in a bare bottom tank with frequent water changes. Key to big healthy discus is plenty of fresh clean water. HTH. I breed discus and I feed them home made beefheart fortified with vitamin and mineral and colorbit only.
  14. Hi, for a 6 mth old and and size slightly bigger than a CD is pretty good. Did you raise the fish up from baby? With only 5 fishes in a 700 ltr tank, I think it's time to go shopping and stock it up Post a picture of your tank if you could. Always admire nice discus tank Keep up the good work. Cheers, ron
  15. Hi, How big is your fish? A lot of discus that come from Asia are fed with hormone in order to bring out the colour and pattern before matuarity so that the fish look good and sell well. That is the same reason why a 6 mth old discus start breeding. Word of cautions, stay away from small fish that are showing full colour and pattern to avoid dissapointment latter on. Last but not least, Asian Discus Strain are not small fish. Cheers, ron
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