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Music suddenly got good again

Carlos & Siran

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Has anyone noticed that in the last few years music has been getting better and better, and of late has been of exceptionally high quality? For a music lover like myself it's been like Christmas day every time I sit down in front of YouTube.

For a decade and a half or so this has not been the case, everywhere I turned my poor little ears were assaulted by Hip hop and boom boom, or some dork screaming until they wanted to detach themselves in an effort to escape the horror of it all. I locked myself away like an old man with my tatty old albums, peering out of the dusty windows from time to time, only to mutter "rubbish" or "get a real job hippy!" then slammed the rotten net curtains back in place and turned Led Zeppelin up again.

Then one fine day a few years ago, while I was rocking in my faithful old chair with my old green cardigan on, a new sound penetrated the confines of my self made prison, (Jack Johnson) It was a cheerful bubbly acoustic sound, like water bubbling from a brook or the hearty giggles of young children. I lifted my head and listened, my god I thought, what is that.... and behold, it was the resurgence of folk rock! But unlike a lot of genres over the years it hasn't come blasting onto the music scene boosting "Here I am and you're all gonna love me!" Nope, Folk rock just quietly flowed in, just one quality song after another, catching the attention of people with real musical taste, influencing all our young musicians and teaching them that music isn't just about sex appeal or drugs and drinking or having a good time, it's also just about the share pleasure of music, of letting the melody get inside of you. But to my amazement, other old genres heard and replied, Motown lifted it's fuzzy Affro head. smiled a cheeky grin and sent us Aloe Blacc, a man who seems to excrete coolness from every pore of his body, but it looks like he's time traveled straight out of the '70s.

I've even pulled my old dust guitar out again (happens every few years) maybe this time I'll learn to play some of this great stuff.

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I disagree; seems to be getting even more rubbish. My favourite period was 80's through to early 2000's. Good rock era. Foo fighters, Nirvana, Incubus etc. Not this Nicki minage rubbish.


Mumfords, Ben Howard, Aloe Blacc, Avalanche city, Missy Higgins, Liam Finn, Luke Thompson, Dave Mathews, Florence and the Machine, Jason Mraz........ there's heaps of good newer stuff, real quality sounds but as you say, each to his own.


Good newer stuff could be classed as Axewound, Bullet for my Vallentin and shotgun alley in my not so humble opinion

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Funny discussion...

You guys seem to be comparing genres...

Nikki Minage(sp?) Lady Gaga, and the rest of the "formula" music gang are a completely different genre from foo fighters, nirvana, which is again different from mumford and sons, liam finn, etc etc.

At least compare genres when you are talking about the crap on the radios :)

There is some awesome music out there, and there is a lot more not so awesome music out there.... now days, just buy what you want and ignore radios :)

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At least compare genres when you are talking about the crap on the radios

Comparing genres would be the correct way in doing it as they go in stages of what is more popular at the time. hip hop, r n b, boy bands pop rock, dnb, have all had there time in the lime light of recent now its time for what ever you call that boring ballad of muck that is currently happening. I am not saying that the previously listed sort of music isnt popular in its circles now, but im saying its not as popular as it use to be as there is "new" music coming up

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Good music is not a fact, it's an opinion.

+1 There's no point in arguing about something as subjective as music. Although I feel sorry for people who say there's been no good music since or that genre x is crap and I only listen to genre y.

Try expanding your horizons a little, and use some interweb services to find some new bands for you. There's plenty of sites that'll let you put in some favs and then suggest something new for you.

The interweb is an awesome source for music :bounce:

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I think there is a proliferation of mainstream crap, which makes people believe that music is getting "worse". Yes popular music these days is mostly rubbish, and IMO as a genre rap/hip hop has certainly gotten worse as it becomes more mainstream (compare souljah boy or lil wayne to Grandmaster Flash or Public Enemy), but there is still plenty of good music being made out there, you just may need to look a little harder than turning on the radio to find it...

One of my favourite "new" bands would have to be The Gaslight Anthem. Check em out if you're into rock, Bruce is a fan...

The Gaslight Anthem & Bruce Springsteen - The '59 Sound (Live)

That said, I usually listen to The Sound if I have the radio on, have tickets to see Weezer, Elvis Costello and Ringo Starr, and generally don't listen to much music made this millennium. I'm quite happy being old and stubborn!


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as a genre rap/hip hop has certainly gotten worse as it becomes more mainstream (compare souljah boy or lil wayne to Grandmaster Flash or Public Enemy)

Ohhh so so true!

I think there is a proliferation of mainstream crap, which makes people believe that music is getting "worse"

you must ask the question why???? its all about the benjamins i think, just like most things they are crap in this world someone is trying to make a quick buck out of nothing

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