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hello from southland


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hey im katie i currently have five tanks running

1x60 litre with 5 corys 2 peppered 3 albino 1 golden algae eater 1 golden bristle nose and 2 breeding angels

1x130 litre with 30cm ghost knife 3 angels and 3 bristlenose

1x140 litre with 10cm black tiger oscar 2 white convicts and a golden algae eater

1x15 litre full of guppys

1x60 litre with a black moore 2 bronze comets and a bronze lionhead double anal fin oranda

i have always loved fish my first tropical tank was a 30 litre with 1 chocolate talking catfish 1 angel and a golden algae eater i am looking at having a 2 tanks one with my ghost knife and angels in and one for my breeders.In the near future i am looking at getting some longfin bristlenose and hopefully a pair may be formed between them.With my new born daughter taking up most of my time only the really important or epicly cool fish will be kept :sml1:

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