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Another From Tauranga


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Hi All,

Great looking site and very informative forums.

I thought I'd jump on board for the masses of questions I'm about to ask :dunno:

Have always enjoyed looking at the fish-sections in the pet stores since I was a kid and found myself drawn to the colourful Tetras, guppies and the beautiful Bettas. I've always wanted a set-up of my own but never really had the time to devote to it.

Well the time has come to take the plunge and take-up a quieter and rewarding hobby of getting a nice little set-up of my own (freshwater tropical).

I was initially looking for a Fluval Edge 46L but could not find one anywhere in NZ (or anyone that wanted to ship one to NZ) so I've gone for a 25L Fluval Chi instead (unless anyone here knows how I can get my hands on a 46L Edge??).

I've done quite a bit of research on both of these aquariums and have found lots of positive and negative feedback for them and have taken it on-board but both are also aesthetically pleasing and that's keeping the Mrs (the one with the purse-strings)onside :bow:

I'm doing as much research as I can and am planning on keeping a Betta and a small (5-8) schoal of Neons in the Chi (may be a few more different, compatible others if I ever get my hands on an Edge 46L beforehand).

I would also like to have a few live plants as well, but one step at a time I think. I dont want to run before I can walk so may have to stick with material/soft-plastic at the start unless they are really easy to keep?

I'll be in no rush to set this aquarium up and want to take my time to get everything right so any advice is welcome folks (apart from different tank choice).

Please let me know if any of you know where I can get a 46L Edge from before I go ahead with the Chi.

Thanks in advance,


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