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What Cannister filter for planted tanks


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430 litre tank and have a Eheim 2213 which is designed as a biological filter so has a slower trickle. Also run a aqua one 1200.

My plants thrive as don't forget that they love the extra build up of biological waste as food. I think what makes tanks not crystal clear is when there is a build up of phosphates. Test for phosphates and treat when required.

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Thanks for all the recommendations!

How well do the current filters you guys are using polish the water.......

I need to have ultimate clarity!

I am currently running a 2400Ltr sunsun..... CRAP!

I've actually heard quite a few good things and not many bad things about the sunsun cannister filters and have one myself (which I haven't actually used yet). Interwebs seems to be mostly in favour of them.

Which model are you using? I have the 304B UV (2000l/h) which I plan to run on a 200l tank. Should be more than enough for me but since you are running a 450l then yeah you may want more

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I have a cf1200 on my 430L non-planted and I use extra wavemakers to get everything off the bottom. I would go for two cf1200s or a cf2700?

i'd probably go for the 2 1200's over the 2700, even though they are rated comparitively, the 2x 1200's would be pushing more water over more media, plus you have a lot more flexibility with layout, flow rates/direction and cleaning would be a lot safer with one untouched system after a filter clean. plus you could play around and try things like completely filling one with noodles and one with floss to see what would happen and if you could improve on a good idea :P

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