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Tanks that should never be...


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one of my pet peeves is when people use fish for ornaments for a single occasion, normally the fish are considered disposable and get mistreated and then discarded.

then you realize this attitude is so common that people consider it good advertising for their business to show these.




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Very true! I little while ago I had a couple come into work wanting to buy some tiny fantail goldfish to put in bowls on tables at their wedding reception for a couple of hours. I told them they needed to arrange homes for them afterwards for me to sell them. They ended up buying a huge tank to put them in after the wedding to keep them as a memento - That was pretty neat. But I doubt fish used in TV adverts etc. get the same after curtain call treatment.

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and in a lot nicer manner than a live oyster being swallowed would :P

If the artist was protesting cruelty, wonder if he realised that having the fish in there for a short time even was cruel???

Then putting the fish in a bag to take home to put in your tank is more cruel.

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not that much better, no filtration, hevily over stocked and at the wrong temp for at least one of the species. IMO the worst thing is that someone thinks they are doing it "right"

I'm sorry, I wasn't paying much attention. What's the other fish other than the angels? Just because I can't see a filter doesn't mean it's not there.

My issue with this tank is the depth (not height). The other issues could simply be my own ignorance? :dunno:

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you and me both! remembering names of plants drives me crazy

I just don't do plants at all - can't keep the damn things alive anyway, or they get eaten, or dug up so float around the tank :roll:

Thanks for a larger pic of the one with little depth. There's a similar set up at my doctor's new surgery - they've installed a very long tank, but it's possibly a little deeper but not by much - was filled with goldfish and BNs so yes, will be heated far too hot for the goldfish.

Then of course there's the tank at my gym.... :roll:

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