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Neon Tetras

Siamese ika

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Hi me again, just thought i'd try and find out a bit more about neon tetras as there is practicly no info about them anywhere. So if there anything you guys know please feel free to post it.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Neons ---( neon Tetra) are the one of the most colourful tropical fish.

Like most tetras the are a very peaceful fish and great for community tanks.

They like heavily planted tanks.

The green - blueish band is one of the brightest know of all the tropical fish.

They originate from the upper amazon and grow up to 40mm or 1.25 inches.

Being a swarming fish it is best to keep them in a group of 6 or more.(usually 10 to 20) is best.

Lifespan is 3 years and for breeding they must be feed on small live foods.

Flies are good.

They cost about a dollar each.

They are one of my favorite fish and a must for a community tank.

I once saw a tank with 150 neons in it and no other fish.When you moved your hand across the glass the neons moved like a wave.It was the most amazing thing to see.

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I agree with MD. I realy like my school of 30 neons they look great in a school and would like to get more. They are happiest in soft slightly acid water with heaps of plants and hiding places and with lights that are not to bright. With that said as adults they will live in almost any tank as long as there is nothing with a Neon or bigger size mouth :) .

Breeding can be a bit of a chore as the eggs and fry are intollerant of any light and water, tanks + equipment must be imaculately clean with very soft water.

Like all tetras the are a very peaceful fish

Not all tetras are peaceful. Serpaes for example are some of the worst fin nippers I have ever kept but easier to breed than neons.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh yeah love those tetras! Just gotta breed them and get a huge school. Obviously the commericial breeders are doing it cuz there's so many in the LFS tanks. In saying that when I've tried I've got about 6-10 fry.. well will keep perservering.

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HI SI. :)

Caryl mentioned harliquins. In my tank I have about 30 harliquins. 15 are "Standard" harliquins, and 15 are a variant the LFS called "Swift Rasboras" (any more info appreciated!) . The swift variant IMO looks much better than the standard, they are a little smaller, but the orange flash down the side is quite striking. Price on the swift is a bit more than a neon, but less than the cardinals

I am wondering what to do with my current tank when my 5' is finished and one of the options I came up with was a school of about 100 of 1 type of tetra (rummy nose, cardinals, neons) or maybe harliquins.

S.I you could try here... http://www.brooklands.co.nz/tropical/neon.htm

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My six neons are voracious when it comes to feed time, and if I give them a bit too much flakes they seem to suffer from 'indigestion'; Like they are all at a 45 degree angle 'pecking at the water' for a couple of hours.

Is this normal behaviour.

Cheers Davejey :)

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I had 150 neons in my tank. They don't seem to last like they used to and the colours aren't as good either. I've probably only got about 100 left after 1 year. You should get 2-3 years lifespan depending on temperature...

They look great schooling from one end of the tank to the other. Even better when the 50+ black neons school with them...

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i feed my fish including neons frozen blood worms, talk about bringing the colour out, after about 3 feeds i could tell the difference, they were so bright, and like little pirahanas at feeding time, i very rarly feed flakes, it is believed that the flake absorbes water from the tank when you put it in, so the fish are actually eating tank water and getting full on that and not food, this could be why your fish seem to have indigestion , i also use small pellet food and crush it in a pill crusher.

just some thoughts



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Hi all,

Well, I still think that the my 3 tetras are black neons not glolight like the lady at the pet store said. I'll keep trying to get a better picture of them...if they would JUST cooperate!

Okay I know that tetras school. But if I put in a different kind of tetra, say neon or cardinal, or some other tetra, will they school together?

My daughter, lives out west :cry: , has an aquarium also (first one). The lady at the pet store told her that whenever you buy a schooling fish to buy them in odd numbers, any idea why the odd numbers? But the funny thing is, she has 3 neons and 3....oh dear forget what they are...and they all school together...so 3+3 is still 6 isn't it...LMAO.

What is schoal?

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Fing shooy

Heard of it.

Don't worry about it.

But with some fish it pays to get a bigger school than to have a mish-mash of differnt species and small schools.

Did you notice how many neons Warren had.

That sort of display looks impressive.

Alan 104

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45 degree angle 'pecking at the water'

Hey...I noticed that with just one of my tetras (only have 3..hehe). It seems to be the smaller of the three. He's like his doing a little jig on a 45 degree angle like you said, and he always does it in the same spot in the aquarium!

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