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Newbie in Auckland - West


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Hi there everyone nice to meet you all !

My name is Jacob live in West Auckland and have really been wanting to get an aquarium and start keeping some fish for about 5 months now finally taking the plunge this weekend going out to get my first tank which will be an Aqua One AR620 from my LFS (notice the slag ive already picked up reading the forums haha) I hope this is a good tank for a beginner. I am nearly 25 years old starting out late huh haha have always had cats or birds growing up never any fish. Fish keeping caught my interest about a year ago and on and off i have thought about getting into it but its quite neat how you can have a little eco system in your own home i think. My biggest dilemma at the moment is where to place the tank ! haha but im sure as i go along there will be alot more questions asked. :nfs: Jacob

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:wave: & Welcome.

Get some plants! they help keep the aquarium in balance and also look nice. They also help to stop algae establishing. Some good easy to grow plants are Java Fern, Java Moss, Ambulia, Most crypt Species and Amazon Swords. Because your starting out i would recommend fish such as tetras, Corys, Bristle Nose Catfish. Then maybe one you have had these for a while the you could stick a Dwarf Cichlid such as Kribs, or Aspitos.

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Hello and welcome :wave:

I think some small catfish, a pair of Apistogramma and a school of cardinal tetras would look nice :) Tiger barbs can be quite aggressive from what I've read, and also aren't particulary colourful either. Cardinal tetras are peaceful and also look gorgeous, and you don't see any ugly mutations at the shops either, just the natural coloured fish :P

I definately recommend Apistogramma, they are so cool and full of character and are easy and fun to look after :happy2: Wild kribensis (Pelvicachromis taeniatus) are also another option, which are also beautiful and are much more different to the normal kribs, if you are looking for something more unusual.

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