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falcor, my monster black ghost knife fish


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for those who have asked, and the rest of you fishy folk, here are some size indicative pics of falcor, my BGK. i did maintenance on his tank today and he was in a tub for an hour or so. for comparison the tub is 52cm long by 35cm wide, each square on the base of the tub is 7cm by 7cm. he is approximately 45cm long and still growing! watch this space - i will add more pics of him in his tank very soon...

video here

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well he sure is bigggg...but ive seen bigger lol. How old is he looks in good health

aside from mine, i've never seen one more than about 15cm!

i think he's around 3 years old but could be more like 4. i've had him for about a year. he has grown a good 7cm in the year i've had him!

he is looking and acting much better now he is in a tank by himself!

eats heeeeaps! shrimp, ox heart and occasionally pellets but only if i starve him..

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nice, love them!

i have a 35cm one, but that looks like its a bit bigger than mine, a while ago, when animates in mt eden was still jansens, they have one that was absolutely massive, i thin it was about 60 cms plus! huge!

you selling this fish or keeping it?

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I've got a Chocolate one around 35cm :bounce:

Had him/her for arouun 2 years now, eats anything, favourite would have to be Bloodwrms

Just Love him, nick named him/her Choccy :love:

I'm always so fascinated by their face's they look very human like to me :wink:

Anyone know how to sex them??

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hands off henward! lol. i'm keeping this fish because it was given to me on the condition i didn't sell it. that and he's just plain awesome! every visitor i have is fascinated or rather disturbed by him lol :-)

Nice Fish bro :thup: what were you trying to do with that blue ziggy lighter? :slfg:

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Size Comparison.

...obviously.. the classic bic lighter seems to be a rather universal indication of size, better than coins which vary and unfortunately my daughter didn't want me using her school ruler. still, not particularly well thought out, since after taking the vid i realised the bottom of the bin had a grid pattern. i often don't think things through before doing them, i just start doing things and stay in the moment. usually get things done, just takes longer than usual.

anyway. he bit me pinky finger pretty hard while i was taking photos. dude has a HUGE mouth man.

for the record i have no idea if "he's" male or female.

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