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who likes rats

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I used to have a big white one with black spots as a child. His name was Mickey and he was hardley ever in his cage, he used to sit on my shoulders when I cycled around to friend's houses after school, and he used to sleep on my pillow at night times until I fell asleep then he would go walk about in the house. I loved Mickey so much, he died when he started getting this huge lump in his side, I was very sad when he died, but now at my age I currently are, I am too scared to touch the little buggers :slfg: I was much braver as a child, I had a bobbejaan spinnekop as a pet as well, that is a nice big spider. Used to catch him little bugs and flies, I also had a pet chameleon, but that was then :wink:

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I've had quite a few in the past even had a free range one in my room for 6months had a wee poo bowl in the corner that he used so was quite cool...

My advice to anyone considering rats is get them as young as possible an get a minimum of 2. you'll need to buy a couple of towels an some rope an probably some boxes an stuff for them to play in an make them hammock beds. Great pets for anyone considering them you won't regret it. read up on toilet training them as it does work but takes alil time to learn... Worst comes to worst they only live 2years ish so you won't be burdened with them for ever an they definitely will grow on you :D

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Rats are awesome. This is the second thread on them in the recent times that has had me wondering whether or not to get a couple. If they cleaned their own cages I'd have them straight away.

You can easily litter train rats, so easy to empty that and keep it clean. If you're worried about smell, get girls or neutered boys (speying and neutering will reduce tumours too!)

Never get a single rat, they need company.

I love rats, they're my fave pet ever. Kind of have the personality of a dog, they love you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't understand the hate of pet rats, they are very very different to their wild counterparts. I've seen both, I've even seen half wilds, so I know the differences are more than superficial.

Pet rats are actually fantastic pets, you have not seen what a pet rat is like until you've seen ones with proper upbringing/owners. They are pets that are as affectionate and playful as dogs, but also great to cuddle and laze with like a cat. They even do the rat version of purring when happy or comfortable, by grinding their teeth. They also require very little room and only require about the same amount of cleaning as fishkeeping. Pet rats even have a pretty good community, similar to here for rat owners in NZ at ratclub.org.

Most of my friends who didn't like rats to begin with (even dissected them in science class) came to agree that they're actually pretty cute except the tails. For me the tails are just like a cord of rope so it doesn't bother me. I kept 1 rat originally that I got from a petshop back when I didn't know anything about rats, and 3 rats later from a rescue. The petstore one does not like people except me and my father, since it was neglected in the store when I bought it, but the other 3 that were raised with daily human contact were affectionate with everyone. The only reason I started keeping fish was because rats only live about 3 years, and I get very heart broken whenever one dies. Now that I have fish, I certainly don't like it when they die, but there's no heartbreak involved.

By the way I don't think that photo's Photoshoped. I've seen tiny keychain size teddies styled like that, and as I said, rats are pretty playful, if the owner handed the toy to it, the may hold and investigate it by giving it a sniff.

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Yea they are easy as to keep, not to mention cheap as chips.

All I need to do is feed and water them and clean the cage once a week which takes all of 5-10 minutes.

I don't know too much about lazing round as the only time mine slept in my hood was when they were young.

If you are going to get a rat best to get them from a rescueor store where they haver lots of positive handeling. Mine were friendly from when I got them for this reason and when ever someones in the room they always come out to say hi and be taken for a walk

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Waterlogged maybe you had girl rats? Generally female rats tend to be playful and active, the males tend to be lazier. Of the rats I had was 1 female, and the 3 I got later were male, and the boy rats sure were lazy and cuddly.

3 rats was a great number too; When it was winter and cold, I'd have one sleep in each pocket of my fleece jumper and the last on the collar. Their body temps are higher than humans so they were amazingly warm, I'd just put my hands in my pockets when they got cold and the last guy would keep my neck warm. Only problem is once I forgot one was sleeping near my neck and started eating chips, it smelt the food and stole one from my hand as I held it up to my mouth :sml1:.

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