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Help me stock my 800 litre Amazon biotope


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There are already a few threads about my tank, but I figure I'll make a new one for the latest situation...

It's 800 litres and 1600x1000x500mm.

Current stock:

12 rosy tetras

2 megalechis thoracata (or possibly port hoplos, they're still babies)

8 brochis splendens

4 geophagus altifrons.

I don't want to add too much more. I'm thinking a small school of cardinals, although there's an issue of compatibility once the geos grow up, and/or some dwarf cichlids.

This is the look I'm going for:


And this is the tank:



Ideas? :spop:

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I love it!!! awesome tank. maybe some Lcurviceps? nice bright ones?

Thats what I thought too, they can be a bit territorial but not too bad, your tank has plenty of footprint for them. Keyholes could also be interesting. If we got true H. severus I'd suggest them, but not the muddy green things we get here. How about some royal whiptails? Maybe chuck in 20 neons too and see how they go with the geos.

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Maybe chuck in 20 neons too and see how they go with the geos.

Tried and failed.. sorry I know we've been over this in another thread but that's $44 I'm never getting back :slfg:

I have a suspicion that geos are more likely to snap up a tetra when Geos are young.. Mine seemed much more enthusiastic about food when they were younger whereas the 2 big ones I havenow sort of just go about their business sifting the sand at a leasurely pace..

Good looking tank Kinbote!

I saw you already have 8 B. splendens but I would add another 8 Corys of another species. e.g. Sterbai, they are nice and large enough not to be accidentally eaten.

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Once the Geos grow up there wont be much left in the tank.

I guarantee they will uproot the plants. No matter how much space you give a geo to dig it will always dig around hardware and plants. Its where the goodies in the water gather and the geos will dig it up.

My plants in my geo tank are in pots. and still they dig the substrate from the pots.

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Your hoplos will grow big and eat the cardinals / neons / rummies etc even if your geos don't.

The hoplos have a good sense of smell but they seem practically blind and incapable of taking anything out of the water column, so I don't see them ever catching anything that's actively evading them...

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Once the Geos grow up there wont be much left in the tank.

I guarantee they will uproot the plants. No matter how much space you give a geo to dig it will always dig around hardware and plants. Its where the goodies in the water gather and the geos will dig it up.

My plants in my geo tank are in pots. and still they dig the substrate from the pots.


Geos will have a field day with that tank.. :digH: but hey maybe then Kinbote will have the tank looking like that 1st picture. :slfg:

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Your hoplos will grow big and eat the cardinals / neons / rummies etc even if your geos don't.

How about a massive schoal of pictus catfish? They are awesome.

The hoplos I've got would most likely choke trying to get down a tetra, and I've had them with neons for ages - maybe I'm not thinking about the right ones though?
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Yes I figured if you have hoplos that will eat the tetras you might as well have pictus.

Neons / cardinals etc tend to sleep at the bottom of the tank and make easy prey for hoplos etc. I've seen them eat them too!

Pictus are probably worse at it though, but they are amazing fish to have. I'd get them again if I didn't have cardinals.

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I had a look at the dwarf flag cichlids at HFF today and they were pretty limp, mostly floating motionless or resting on the bottom. Could have just been tired but I wasn't impressed...

agreed, they look dull but....i have seen some in there recently that were quite spectacular, lots of blue. by the time i went back they were gone. :dunno:

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agreed, they look dull but....i have seen some in there recently that were quite spectacular, lots of blue. by the time i went back they were gone. :dunno:

I'll keep looking out for them in case any new ones come in, because they do sound good on paper.

I ended up getting 10 cardinals, because I figure the sooner I get them the sooner they can grow to a size that the geos will be less inclined to eat while the geos are still babies. If I have problems later on I guess I'll have to make a choice between keeping one or the other.

Overall I'm worried my stock list doesn't make a lot of sense, though.

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Meh, if you're happy with it then its all good. Larger altifrons have never been too difficult to move IME if you decide they're making too much of a mess later on.

Yeah, that's what I hope.

The altifrons are perfectly well behaved at the moment, not at all shy and not disruptive either, but I'll see how it lasts.

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