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Round Auckland Fish Pickup / Dropoff service?

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There's been a few people wanting pickups and shipping recently for various reasons, from Mark's Polar Bear to the little green terror and the little bristlenose I picked up yesterday and dropped at Ryan's for shipping to Ymir, and it got me wondering - if there was someone trusted in Auckland that did a regular round town pickup / dropoff service for aquatic items (fish, plants, food etc. from trademe or stores that don't ship direct) would YOU use it?

I probably would if I knew I could buy something on trademe that was listed as being sold in Franklin and I knew that the fish delivery guy does a run down there on Saturday mornings and I would have the bag in my hand later that day. As long as the seller was able to hold the item until the next run etc.

It could also be arranged to link in with the national pet transport people (I can't remember their name) to get items to them so they can then be sent down/up the line. Sort of like a bus service taking people to the train station.

Just a thought. I have a LOT of time on my hands at the moment...

edit: Oh, and it could be a service affiliated to the auckland fishkeepers or FNZAS even if that was something the clubs would be interested in?

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