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That demo setup is terrible! Why put such large white boulders in such a small tank - everything is totally out of whack!

There were some nice nano tanks in Hong Kong - they had a false back where all the running gear was situated so it was all hidden behind a black or blue background and worked on an overflow system - hmmm... wonder if I can do this with my 240mm cube?

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There were some nice nano tanks in Hong Kong - they had a false back where all the running gear was situated so it was all hidden behind a black or blue background and worked on an overflow system - hmmm... wonder if I can do this with my 240mm cube?

Thats what i was thinking of doing to mine, a mini sump.

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Thats what i was thinking of doing to mine, a mini sump.

You want as big a sump as you can, you want MAXXXX "overall water volume", or, go hard on the water changes, I.e Daily/ couple days...

You can do this with marine too, with small LEDs and LPS or anemone species

I don't recommend fish species in Nano (unless they in the "sump" side refugium :wink: ) but have seen photos of Crustacea kept successfully.


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Had two neons and two platies cark it in the past few days. I expected the neons due to the poor condition but everything else looks fighting fit. Strange how they look sick as but the other fish are fine. Did a 20% water change just for good measure, haven't done one in so long I couldn't find the siphon hose :oops:

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I had one local and I introduced one import male and two (looks like local) females. It's weird, the fish look perfectly fine right up until a few hours before dying where they're gasping at the surface then carking it. All the other fish are fine so I'm really lost.

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pH? temperature? airstone?

I'm sure you keep your fish fine Sam, but it'd be interesting to ask these of the breeders and compare?

Perhaps the imports are kept in specific conditions, at a higher or lower end of the range and the usual NZ keepers are keeping them at "NZ specifications"? :dunno:

Maybe its all a giant conspiracy from the venus moon cows sending ultra-guppy killing rays, and our guppies having lived in proximity to our cows, are immune from the... MOOOON cows... :rotf:

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The temp is around 25, wee fluctuation with Winter but nothing major. The spray bar breaks the surface, haven't tested the pH but wouldn't ALL the fish be behaving poorly? Or at least all of the species?

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