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I think the majority of females actually make far more sense than males. Most of the guys at school talk about video games, pornography, sex, drugs, alcohol and getting drunk. And some adult males I know like to stare at the television for extended periods of time drinking beer (one of the foulest things I've ever tasted in my life), or if they're not doing that then they're having conversations about tough and manly stuff and talking very loudly and swearing a lot in normal sentences that don't require cursing.

Where is the logic in any of that stuff? :dunno: :lol:

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Wait until you live with one!

I live with two! My mum and my sister. My sister can be snotty sometimes but that's because she is going through that stage where mind is all messed up, but she used to be awesome and hopefully when she gets older she will mature more and revert back to her old self. And my mum, she is the nicest person I know!

I never look forward to my dad coming home in the weekends from Nelson where he works during the week. He's a really blokey-kinda guy and I don't get on with him very well, and I much prefer it when it is just my mum and my sister at home.

Essential when living with females.

I don't know how many times I have been offered alcohol, especially beer, by people including my parents. Of course every time I turn it down without hesitating. Water or tea for me - the taste of beer is almost as disturbing as

touching rusty spoons... :lol:
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Joe wrote:

I think the majority of females actually make far more sense than males

Wait until you live with one!

I live with two! My mum and my sister. My sister can be snotty sometimes but that's because she is going through that stage where mind is all messed up, but she used to be awesome and hopefully when she gets older she will mature more and revert back to her old self. And my mum, she is the nicest person I know!

I never look forward to my dad coming home in the weekends from Nelson where he works during the week. He's a really blokey-kinda guy and I don't get on with him very well, and I much prefer it when it is just my mum and my sister at home.

The innocence of youth!

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I'm confused... Are you being sarcastic with your comment and taking this in a sick-humor kind of way because it appears that way by the text you quoted and the comment you wrote below it. I assure you I don't mean what I said in an inappropriate way. I just think my mum and sister are nicer people to be around because my dad swears a lot and he isn't very rational with some of the decisions he makes and he gets angry a lot.

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The innocence of youth!

Haha.. YUP

As you grow older Joe your family will become more important and you will begin to understand people and how to tolerate certain traits of people and learn to get along with them. Me and my sisters use to always fight for the last 6 or so years. But hey! we grew up and matured and now get along really well, but with the odd argument. Me and my dad also didn't see square on alot of the time and had our fair few disagreements, but now we get on really well. :thup: Its a time maturity thing.

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I found the opposite of Liam's experience. As I grew older I realised how messed up most of my family is, and how they try to create dysfunction to keep the whole cycle in motion so nobody has to change. At some point I decided I couldn't tolerate it or fix it and left. Even still nobody has changed, they just carry on without me now.

The bit about family becoming more important is possibly true. Having a dysfunctional family didn't stop me wanting to be part of a group (here I am, obviously), and it makes the knowledge that I can't take participate in my biological family that bit more disappointing.

So those of you like and get on with your family, don't take it for granted :sage:

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all wome are utters, its just tryig to decided if you want the super crunchy version or the smooth no added salt addition.

You need to be a bit choosey with your words because god is a woman and has a lot of lightning bolts.

Why does everything have to come back to god? I find that highly offensive as a non chritian always reading god this god that!

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My neighbour has been borrowing my HDMI comp. screen for some business research, so I havn't been on to troll in a while.

Back on page 248 was a mention to Lego and MineCraft. Try and find an old version of the Lego game "Rock Raiders". Well ahead of it's time.

btw anyone elsenotice that what was considered a Very hot sexy model in the 50's - 60's would be called fat and average today????

You don't have to call them fat. It's all the media's fault.

Joe, about males not making sense:

You will find that you will get along with females a lot better than males. It's not a bad thing, but you may find yourself wondering later on if a few more guy friends would have been nice. Work conversations will also be difficult, as the guys tend to discuss weekend sport.

You don't have to like beer. You may try spirits when you're older and prefer something less cheap. Vodka can be a good start, mixed with orange juice. Don't start with Smirnoff.

As for the loud and boisterous, some men didn't have a real father figure themselves, so they find it hard to relate to their children. Don't blame him. My dad was the same, we sat down and talked about it when I was about 16. It was a load off his back, to know that we could talk, and we've been great mates since :thup:

And sorry, but your sister will probably not revert to her old self. It's normally a one way change.

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