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New Facebook Page!


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Sorry but I cant stand facebook, or understand why organisations feel that they must belong...

i hate it to, can't be bothered but the latest generation of teenagers are afraid of outside or not being within two meters of their computer so this is the best way to get them to advertise to them. My son who has just turned 10 is obsessed with the computer so we have to limit his time heavily so he has to play outside. he is a good fisherman, hunter, has a large number of pets, bmx's & plays golf but the pull of the screen is too great for him to ignore. on-line is the way it is all going & is a sensible marketing/advertising media, look at the price trademe sold for.

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It is where you let total strangers know all the boring minutiae of your life that you would not normally tell your best friend (a lot of which should have been kept to yourself) :wink:

I do not understand the pull of Facebook either but a lot seem to do so and we try to cater to all.

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It is where you let total strangers know all the boring minutiae of your life that you would not normally tell your best friend (a lot of which should have been kept to yourself) :wink:

Err isn't that Twitter, in 140 characters or less - we have one of those as well :roll:

*waits for Alan to ask what that is as well*

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i hate it to, can't be bothered but the latest generation of teenagers are afraid of outside or not being within two meters of their computer so this is the best way to get them to advertise to them. My son who has just turned 10 is obsessed with the computer so we have to limit his time heavily so he has to play outside. he is a good fisherman, hunter, has a large number of pets, bmx's & plays golf but the pull of the screen is too great for him to ignore. on-line is the way it is all going & is a sensible marketing/advertising media, look at the price trademe sold for.

I spend way too much time on the PC but the above still stands ;)

But I guess as a tool that all the youth use, that is face book - not me, it does sort of make sense to use it.

and as for twiter: stuff 140 lets get back to 4:20

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I know, you messaged me :lol:

I sent out a bulk message to all the members of the old (soon to be defunct) Facebook page so they would be aware that there was a new page.

On another note, this is just meant to make the FNZAS more accessible to Facebook users. If you are not into Facebook then don't bother going there! :wink:

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I like facebook and it's a great way to share photos/events/stories with overseas family and friends. Like a more personlised interactive forum haha.

I wanted to look up all my old high school friends and facebook was awesome for reconnecting. "oldfriends" site just didn't cut it. Now we're organising a reunion - fantastic!

My teens use facebook and as a parent it's a very interesting look into their world!

The biggest issue is security and you've just got to keep on top of it, make sure all your settings are how you want them, (eg friends only) and be on the watch for facebook scams and hoaxes. I regularly check http://www.facecrooks.com/ if something looks suss and I have a regular cleanout of applications that haven't been used in over 6 months.

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