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Tank Renovation: update 22 Dec


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I was feeling really bored with my 4ft, so spend the weekend redoing it with sand + cooler layout (Thanks to my bf :hail: guess I don't really have the knack for doing layouts myself) + new plants & lightbulbs (thanks again bf)

Before (back in July):




Current fish:

3 Angelfish

9 Odessa Barbs

5 Dwarf Chain Loaches

2 Hoplo Catfish

2 Bristlenoses

Thinking of / wanting to get sometime:

Geophagus or Eartheaters (not sure how I feel about the possible uprooting of plants)

More chain loaches

Syno of some sort

Eel of some sort?

Kuhli loaches?

Feedback and stocking suggestions welcome :)

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Thanks for your kind comments y'all :)

I love the look of sand, but I'm also a gravel vacuum addict. Need to kick that habit and not stress if there's a bit of detritus sitting on the sand.... But that's why I'm keen to get eartheaters to help with cleaning. Or maybe a school of corys. What are other potential sandcleaners?

nice! Your java fern and anubias look good and healthy :D

I got a tiny bit of anubias at my first TT meet, shortly after I setup my first tank, back in '07. It's done well.

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Nice tank!

Ditch the pile of rocks on the right hand side, it looks weird. Get a medium bulky rock (thats smooth, without jagged edges) and surround it with a few smaller rocks of different sizes, that look similar in colour.

As for fish, I think a large shoal of tetras/rasboras/danios would look nice. Here's some ideas:

- Rasbora hengeli

- Danio aesculapii

- Danio choprae

- Rasbora agilis (they look similar to red-line rasboras, but they are darker with a neon bronze line down the side)

- Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

- Hyphessobrycon heliacus

And Bedotia madagascariensis, which is a rainbowfish, would also look cool. You also need a feature fish. Cichlids are good - how about Pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe, or P. pulcher? Both are peaceful, plus they'll have plenty of hiding places in all of that java fern. Preferably I think the P. taeniatus moliwe are really nice. They are small too, so you can get two or three pairs maybe?

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  • 2 months later...

After collecting some awesome driftwood, Twan renovated the tank again for me.



You can't really see the new wood's shape, but it kinda looks like a t-rex skull haha. It's got lots of big holes and twisty bits. Will possibly rearrange the java fern a bit more. It's gone all yucky as I had a brush with cyanobacteria. Not sure I'm out of the woods with that yet but fingers crossed.


I've had pretty good growth with the Co2 (this is post-prune) but then I went and snapped my diffuser. Ughhh, feel like such an idiot.

I haven't added any new fish yet. Actually, I have some kribs from Jen. I'm still hoping to get sterbai corys soon but have no money to spend on fish atm :( But at least my current fish aren't being as wussy as when we first changed to sand. They are actually coming out now!

Might get a sword to sit in the middle of the rock pile.

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Do you have CO2 and bubbles running, or do the bubbles just come on at night?

DIY mixture, running all the time (not shown in any of the photos... no longer running til new diffuser arrives :evil: .)

The airstone bubbles in the photos... There was 2 but when I added the Co2, I took one out. The one left in is at the opposite end from Co2. Its mainly there to stop the surface getting a film. It's also running all the time.

Ahhh yes, Mr Isosceles. He's awesome. I need to rehome the other 2 'cos they've all started bickering.

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South Hort is a local business, near Rolleston so I doubt you can find this sand anywhere else. Daltons Propagating Sand is a popular substrate (which is what I was looking for originally but couldn't find in Chch) but I think it looks slightly different.

All hail Hypnotoad.

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