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hi from auckland


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hi i am from auckland and have frogs and many other animals but love native fish and am learning as much as i can :wink: i have a kokopu tank with a little koura in it also have a tank with inanga and and redfin bullys but also other bullys and a big koura in it and my last tank has bullys and some more inanga :D

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I guess I have been doing it five years now. I used to have goldfish but now I couldn't contemplate anything non-native! Sigh, purist.

I have had to cut back in the last year or two. Now just got a giant kokopu, two common bullies and three species of mudfish. While I mostly have rare ones now (more accidentally than design) bullies keep topping my list as the coolest aquarium fish.

Also started a pond tank recently so I can watch pond critters doing their thing instead of being eaten. Truly fascinating and blissfully low-maintenance.

What sort of kokopu do you have?

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