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ADA diffusers, I know a few wholesalers in Japan and they are astronomically priced. Think NZD $100+ and they are not suitable for DIY systems.

And those are the wholesale prices. :o

Why aren't they suitible for DIY systems?

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Lack of pressure shouldn't damage the frit. The pores on the frit vary in size depending on what it will be used for and in the case of gas diffusion, the pores are quite small so if anything, excess pressure would damage it. The diffusion pressure of the gas and the atmospheric pressure on the other side of the frit both are issues that affect the diffusion. With most DIY setups the CO2 gas pressure builds up to a point that it begins to diffuse through the frit. Whether the bottle is set up to withstand that pressure is another issue altogether.

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I have only just added a second one to my tank.

Any chance of getting some aromatica sent down with someone coming to the conference. Will have plants available to swap this end, if not now will later.

will keep in touch. i don't think there is any one going down there from here. its a slowish growing plant so i'll need more time.

At the moment I'm increasing the CO2 and the ferts.

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As I am going to redo my tank once that bogwood is waterlogged, I need to take the substrate out. I am not going to have plants growing in the substrate, but have mainly ferns and mosses growing on the bogwood. Although I will have a few substrate plants (various grasses, cryptocorynes ect). But I am thinking of doing something different. Rather than having a thick layer of substrate on the bottom of the tank, I want to hollow out areas in the bogwood and fill those with substrate so it looks like the plants are growing out of the bogwood. But I do want a thin layer of substrate on the bottom of the tank so I am not looking at glass. I was thinking...

ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia (9 liter bag)

ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia 2 (9 liter bag)

Bacter 100 (100g)

Tourmaline BC (100g)

Rarangi Beach Sand

How much will this cost (except Rarangi Sand, which is free!) and where will I get it from? I really hope it's not too expensive, otherwise I can't get it. Mum is giving me $60 to spend at the conference, and I need to try and make some more money. The fish I am planning for the tank are 15 Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi. I've already sorted out 12 of them. If anyone wants to know where I'm getting my ideas from, go to page 3 of this thread and click on the hyperlink. I was going to have Cardinal Tetras instead of Black Neons, but Cardinals are just too expensive. I also need some more Bolbitis heudelotii, as it is slow growing and is going to be one of the main plants in this tank. Another fern I am interested in is Needle-leaf Java fern.

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ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia (9 liter bag)

USD28 + shipping

ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia 2 (9 liter bag)

USD12 + shipping

The bacters vary in price from about USD12 - USD20

Tourmaline varies from USD16- USD18

Shipping may not be available to New Zealand.

None of the ADA products are officially available in NZ. so you will have to import them and pay freight. It is not cheap.

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I have another idea for my tank. The ADA stuff will be quite expensive, and I thought about just having a thin layer of peat and a thin layer of beach sand. The substrate should be about 1 cm deap, as I'm not having plants actually growing in the substrate, but in the bogwood. I'll hollow some pieces out and fill them with Dalton's aquatic mix and cover that with sand so it doesn't cloud the water. I'll then have plants like sagittaria, Cyperus helferi (if I can get some), cryptocorynes, mondo grass and lilaeopsis. My other plants will consist of Bolbitis heudelotii, java fern varieties and mosses to grow on the bogwood. If anyone has a large amount of spare Windelov that they could sell me quite cheap then can I please have some? I only have a tinsey bit at the moment and am getting nowhere with it. It's doing well though, and has lots of plantlets. I ALSO REALLY NEED TO GET RID OF MY FLAG CICHLEDS. I HAVE 27 LEFT. THEY ARE $5 EACH, OR I WOULD BE HAPPY TO SWAP FOR PLANTS INSTEAD. I need to plant up my other tank, so am frantic to get rid of them. I'll have plants like Alternanthera reineckii roseafolia, Crypts, ferns, mosses and Limnophila in it.

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