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Congratulations oldies


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I'm 22. now given that I only ever learned English under the Oxford System and had my knuckles whacked every time I made a spelling mistake, I just cannot comprehend it. Many "mistakes" are made deliberately too. grr. i like it when we don't ruin the language. :oops: :lol:

I can't understand the concept of "whole" English. If you don't teach the whole thing, including spellings and grammar - pupils aren't learning it right.

And yet, some of us get told off for correcting blatant errors!

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I'm 22. now given that I only ever learned English under the Oxford System and had my knuckles whacked every time I made a spelling mistake, I just cannot comprehend it. Many "mistakes" are made deliberately too. grr. i like it when we don't ruin the language. :oops: :lol:

I can't understand the concept of "whole" English. If you don't teach the whole thing, including spellings and grammar - pupils aren't learning it right.

Yay! A young 'un that enjoys the beauty of a language used properly! ;)

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For what it's worth, I couldn't be bothered correcting the mistakes and was at work at the time so just copied and pasted as it was :lol:

I agree with Ira and the usage of commas as well as the word and. There is a time and place for both.

An English professor wrote the words, “Woman without her man is nothing” on the blackboard and directed his students to punctuate it correctly.

The men wrote: “Woman, without her man, is nothing.”

The women wrote: “Woman: Without her, man is nothing.”

See, punctuation is important :wink:

As kids, we were not allowed to play inside, unless it was raining. I was 8 before we even got a TV. We were on a farm so why be inside when you could be outside climbing trees, playing in The Pit with the Tonka trucks, making boats to sail in the creek (and they usual sank in the middle of the water with us in them), firing dirt clods at your sister's tin roofed playhouse when she was playing in it, collecting birds eggs and racing all over the neighbourhood with the other kids.

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and all these replies prove the points made in the first post

Get a life away from the PC people

:bounce: Ahem... How did you gather people on here have no lives because they have an appreciation for language and spelling etc??

Don't you use language and spelling in every day life ? :-?

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:bounce: Ahem... How did you gather people on here have no lives because they have an appreciation for language and spelling etc??

Don't you use language and spelling in every day life ? :-?

the thread was a brief of life as it was a few years ago. If it was to be an english lesson and 3 pages relating to it, maybe Caryl should change the header?

I will make sure in future that if I post in an open forum, I will ask my daughters to check everything first to make sure I that I have my spelling correct and blow the facts of what was intended to be the guts of the thread(full stop)

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