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so pig out on whittakers instead, their milk chocolate macadamia is the best :)

But then you have a problem with some other animals habitat being destroyed for those plantations. If you are worried about the wildlife dont eat/drink processed things and go live under a rock because your home used to be where a bird or kiwi lived till man turned up

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It is not palm oil that is the problem it is the forrest habitat that is being destroyed to grow palm oil and other crops. It is possible to get palm oil that is not grown where forrests used to be and Cadburys claim that is what they use. We are not too clean either as most of NZ has been deforrested to grow grass and this is the main cause of a lot of erosion apart from the destruction of habitat. What would you replace the palm oil with? Canola is used in many products too and is generally extracted from genetically modified rape seed.

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Palm oil was the focus of some programme (was it 20/20?) a while back. Some little girl they featured had heard of the orangutans plight & vowed not to eat any more 3 minute noodles (one of her fave foods) because they are full of palm oil...

this led me to make a change. I now buy noodles that don't have palm oil, and also happen to made in NZ. double-win!

This is just another reminder to self of how * currently very peeved with our choices in supermarket!*

was about to buy tinned beans "supermarket brand" because a few cents cheaper; decided to check & yep, made in China. It seems there isn't much left that Isn't. Didn't have the courage left to check where beetroot comes from now... :roll: :D the problem is, it's hard to even tell, with the scapegoat labelling of "made from local and imported ingredients" ....so many factories shutting down & jobs lost... isn't it sad we are losing the Choice to even buy "local made", for instance, Good grief, of all things Why do we need to import loo rolls?!

can't even wipe our **** to save them!

:oops: sorry! needed a good rant! ugh. I think I now need a good piece of chocolate :D

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I have just returned from the Binn Inn where I ran some peanuts through their machine to make peanut butter. I do this because Grant says the supermarket brand peanut butters have no taste these days. The Binn Inn lady claimed that was because they now use palm oil (up to 40%) cos of cost.

I have no idea how the price of the stuff I crunched through the grinder compares with the supermarket stuff but don't care.

Tinned fruit has no taste now either since it all comes from South Africa or somewhere but I don't think we can blame palm oil for that! :-?

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I have just returned from the Binn Inn where I ran some peanuts through their machine to make peanut butter. I do this because Grant says the supermarket brand peanut butters have no taste these days. The Binn Inn lady claimed that was because they now use palm oil (up to 40%) cos of cost.

I have no idea how the price of the stuff I crunched through the grinder compares with the supermarket stuff but don't care.

Tinned fruit has no taste now either since it all comes from South Africa or somewhere but I don't think we can blame palm oil for that! :-?

Thanks for posting that Caryl, I didn't know BinnInn had a PB grinder. Yay!

Ohhhminx... I am a sucker for that Lindt with Chili!

But, I was experimenting to make treat without processed sugar and wow! I mixed mostly dates, cashews,cocoa powder & a touch of chili in the blender and rolled into balls... they were the bomb! I can't remember everything I used, I should have wrote it down. I think a little water to get the right cosistency & maybe a bit of milk powder(could easily go without it) ... Oh well, guess I'll have to try another batch :)

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I don't know if all Binn Inn's have a grinder.

I have halved the sugar in most of the recipes I use and try to use sweetner instead if something is required. American recipes (my son loves recipe bazaar) always have waaaay too much sugar in them!

Anyway, back on topic... :lol:

I haven't actually tried the new Cadbury as I objected to the new packs being smaller but the price didn't drop :evil:

Considering they said it was much cheaper to produce, using palm oil, we ought to see a reduction in price!

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there's an organic type of peanut butter at our supermarket, way nicer :)

they also do a cashew nut butter and a couple of others, they look delish but i haven't tried them yet

the only problem with a small town like this is that we only have one crappy expensive supermarket (new world) and the nearest other supermarket is more than an hours drive away :(

So we are rather limited in choice. Even more so since most of the population are beer-guzzling red-meat-loving forestry workers :wink:

I try to stock up on stuff when i'm in auckland, sushi rice for example we can't get here, and some brands of new zealand made food that aren't stocked here.

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I haven't eaten Cadbury chocolate for years. I'm definitely a Whittakers fan! :bounce:

In general we try to choose locally made, ethically produced and environmentally sound food (when it's available and when it doesn't cost a million times more than the cheap-and-nasty alternatives! :lol: ) I think Whittakers would be perfect if only we could convince them to use fair trade cocoa in their chocolate. Chocolate is one of those luxury foods that I wouldn't mind spending a bit more on, if I knew it meant the ingredients were ethically produced.

Here's a link for anyone who wants to know more:

http://www.fairtrade.org.nz/FLO/FT_choc ... 61007f802e

And here's a link in case you would like to mention to Whittakers that fair trade cocoa is the way of the future!


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Here's a link for anyone who wants to know more:

http://www.fairtrade.org.nz/FLO/FT_choc ... 61007f802e

Very little profit of any end product goes to the Primary Producers of any goods.

This is not a new phenomenon.

And it is not special in any way imo.

I don't endorse slave labour.

But there is nothing wrong with kid's working, or with people working long hours to provide for their family.

Sure it is not their fault their countries economy is bad, but you can't judge a 3rd world wage with a western higher economy wage.

That is simply not realistic.

If one wants to boycott palm oil good luck to them.

If someone want to buy Organic labeled products when the price suits that is up to them.

But that doesn't mean someone who doesn't make those same choices Morally less of a person.


Everyone drives cars, uses plastic, and exhales CO2.

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Dammit, oeminx, now I want some, preferably in the big chunks that you have to cut up with a cleaver, not the little button stuff.

I know the big block is so much better, I have trouble finding it thou, Sabato's seem to only get the button stuff in. :cry:

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I see this argument come up regulary...

dont buy this because you damage this... however you drive a car that destoys the atmosphere??? however driving a car is a life requirement, buying cadberys isnt (well to some it is) making a change in brand isnt that hard. I drive a car everyday i burn gas but i have little to no choice? however when im in the supermarket i can choose what products i buy. I mean everyone says that one person can make a difference, if one person doesnt buy one cadbury bar a day thats $436.80 cadbury looses from one person buying 1 bar a day... now imagine 100,000 thats $43680000!!! adds up really.... now if 1000000 didnt thats $43680000!!!

they would feal that!!!

So i am not going to buy cadbury and do my part because hay why not promote a brand that is NZ and isnt destroying the environment>>>

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