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Hello hello hello what av we here then


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HELLO ALL , nice to find this site , just what the doctor ordered : ) my son and I have recently started building up a few fish tanks, so between his place and mine , there now is a highway of fish movement , rather one laned though : ( set up 1.800x600x600 tank x2 plus many other smaller ones

So will have fun in the hunt to stock them, but like a good cheese these things take time: (

I am grateful for such a site, now the wife doesn’t have to pretend she is listening to me. Mind you I do enjoy talking to myself but always loose any argument I start with myself lol

We are setting up a good breeding system , also hoping to cover a wide range of species , but that cheese thingy cuts in again, patience’s I have , sorta , nearly, kinda , well nearly then : )

Anyway folks I look forward to the road ahead, hope to meet a few fellow fish people along the ways , cheers all

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Hi and welcome. If you go up to the User Control Panel (top left of screen) and add your location to your profile it helps people see where you are if you ever require more personal assistance (like swapping plants, fish etc).

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Hi, just to let you know if you don't know already, there is a new club recently formed in Palmy called Central Fishkeepers Club. Have a look here if you are interested.


You should come to our next meeting (last sunday of the month)

It is always good to see what people and and next meeting we are having a swap meet so could get some good fish and things out of it :)

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Hi and welcome

What do you plan to breed?

a wide range, trying to find pairs of gold nugget pelco's, Bolivian rams etc etc

I don't want , what I term as banjo fish, ?? inbred : )

have made inroads to build a quarantine facility for import, just trying to work the cost efficiencies on it at the moment, as the fee's can get away on you, and require large numbers to warrant import ,

but step by step , as they say walk before you run , trust me when I say i am no sprinter : ) even the word run tires me

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wh ynot add your location to your profile from the user control panel (top RHS of the screen), its really useful to have it down.

That would depend on which board style they are using, Phoenix, in fisubice it is in the centre at the top and SmoothBlue is so confusing that everything is hard to find! :wink:

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