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well ive been told im defanatly going to auckland and now gotta move all my stuff including 2 6month old kittens and the fish, was 6 2ft tanks and an aquaone 120. currently got them cut down to the 120 and 3 2ftsincluding the turtle tank.

now ive got an idea about sending fish so im going to treat them like that.

with the cats I was talking to someone down here and they suggested having the kittens knocked out for the trip, anyone else have this done for their cats? or moved a long distance with them concious?

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I moved from Auckland down to Hokitika.

Drove down all the way, stopping for one night in Wellington.

All my fish and the cat.

Don't knock your cats out. It is unnecessary and does more harm than good.

Put your kittens in a cage with a thick blanket over them to make it dark.

Preferably in the car with you so you can talk to them and calm them down.

I had my fish (around 150) in five of those 60L bins with the clip on lids, from the Warehouse.

I filled 5-6 inches of tank water in each bin.

Put all your biomedia from your filter in with the fishes to keep it alive.

I didn't have any fish losses in transit.

I did one water change half way with bottled spring water.

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those bins arnt exactly watertight are they? howd you seal them so they didnt spill with the splashes. and howd you keep them warm?

with the cat did you stop with it needing to go toilet

They are 97% water tight.... lol... That's why I only had 5" water in them.

I wrapped the bins in duvet inners. Lots of feather down and wool duvets.

And no spills did I have.

My cat held on all the way until we got out at Wellington.

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how long is the drive?

i've driven 5-6 hours with cats or kittens many times, and they cope fine, happiest if you have space for a collapsible dog crate or similar so you can fit a litter box, water bowl in, or if you don't have space plenty of shredded paper in their cages so if it gets dirty you can stop and bin it and replace asap. Don't want to be drugging them unless necessary, and that sedapet is good stuff.

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Ive got a Bengal and if you know anything about Bengals you will know that they talk alot!!

I travelled from Whakatane to Nelson with her. Didnt knock her out, just covered her with a blanket and when she talked to me I talked back so she knew I was there and she was pretty calm.

I got told its not worth knocking your cat out to travel, it can cause all sorts of problems.

If anything use feliaway (can get it from the vets) its a calming spray (dont know if i spelt it right).

The kittens will cope fine. As long as they know you are there, they will be fine. If they talk (or meow) to you just do it back. It might sound silly but it worked for me!

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Feliway is a Pheramone Spray, it contains a synthetic form of the Phermones a cat leaves behind when it rubs it face on something to mark it with it's scent glands, I have used it many a time, not for travelling, but for Cats spraying in the house, had a major problem with 3 of my 5 cats, when a stray cat came through the Cat Door and sprayed on the kitchen bench of all places :roll:

My cats where put on Clomicalm (which is an anti-depressant) as well as Feliway Spray, along with a visit to the Cat Pshycologist up at Massey in Palmy, cost me a fortune :o We were in the process of buiding a new house at the time, on a 1 1/2 Acre Lifestyle Block, never had much success with the meds they were put on, so ended up building a Cattery to house all 5 cats, they are out free to roam the Block during the day, but they are housed in the cattery at night :wink:

I would highly recommend Rescue Remedy for any cat that has to travel a long distance, we humans can also use it, have used it on several occassions, it's used to treat Anxiety.

A few drops can be put into the Cats Food or Water a few hours before travel, I personally would start treatment the night before.

Good Luck with your travels :wink:


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I would highly recommend Rescue Remedy for any cat that has to travel a long distance, we humans can also use it, have used it on several occassions, it's used to treat Anxiety.


That's the stuff. Ive only heard good things about it.

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yep rescue remedy is brilliant, just use that

its great for calming trapped wild cats and kittens.

Feliway sounds great on the advertising, but from all the info i could find on it there's no scientific backing to their claims, and its thought to be just a catnip extract. I've tested it on my cats and it didn't seem to have any effect, but some people swear by it.

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interesting .... if my cat can't 'see' where he's going in the car, he crys and crys. If its just me and him travelling, he sits on the passenger's front seat (in a cage), facing forward and is quite happy. He doesn't really like the back seat.

When he was only 4-5 months old, we used to take him for trips over the port hills and back, once he got used to that we always had to check the car before going out if we'd left the windows down cause he used to climb in and hide in the boot (we have a station wagon) - hubby got a couple of kms down the road once and he jumped up front - had to turn around and take him home again :o

He's not so keen to go for rides anymore, and it can be a bit of a pain getting him in the car, but once we're under way he settles down - till he gets to the vets!

Our family cat we drugged when we moved from nelson to greymouth - when he woke up he was walking backwards, sideways and very disorentated so wouldn't recommend it especially moving to a new home where everything is different. Something to calm them down if they don't settle in the car is good, or short trips before the long one to get them used to travelling.

Good luck with the trip :D

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My old cat thought it was a dog and travelled with me to all sorts of places never had any trouble as long as she knew where I was. Long trips were not an issue. Saying this she started travelling with me from the age of a kitten and we used to pack up the car and she would be waiting to go.

Had a cat cage and never any problem

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  • 4 weeks later...

well im back in auckland! go home at 3am friday. pulled my fish out of the car and half of them where cold, 4 angels and my red tail shark looked dead. so i focused on those that where upright. tanks where set up, after boiling water on the stove to heat it as there was no hot water and no jug. so as my fish where floating tin their tanks to warm up i thought ild deal with the angels and shark. but when i picked them up the shark moved, so i double checked them all, and they where all still alive so in the tank they go. after about 20 mins of floating they where all back to being lively little fishes, with the exception of my smaller peru altium. who i scooped out sat avo along with 2 glowlights and a female fighter. which isnt bad considering

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the cats where fine apart from one having a little accident in the cage which got cleaned up just before we got on the ferry. didnt hear them at all unless we opend the boot to check on them then they where all 'meow meow' and happy to see us. gave them a spray of sedapet in waiuru and they where fine as. theyre loving the new place, especially the tree out frount.

Quite glad now that i didnt get them knocked out as they didnt need it.

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