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Funny thing happend in maths the other day

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In my math class at the end of the lesson sometimes we play a quick game where we all stand in a circle and the teacher will say a thing EG: types of fruit. Each person in the circle has to say a fruit and if you say something that has already been said or take to long you get out.

Anyway the other day when we played it the teacher said types of fish. We went around in a circle and had the obvious blue cod, snapper, salmon etc but then every time it was my turn I would say something strange that people had not heard of and said a few long scientific names just to sound smart LOL. I would have won if the bell had not gone. I was surprised the teacher excepted whale, dolphin and to a lesser extent starfish and jellyfish.


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Once your older , youll still play that game, but instead of being out you have to scull your drink.


ahaha, I am known affectionatly as pears by some from that game. I was slightly intoxicated at the time and we were playing types of fruit. I said pears the first time, and thes second time round also, forgetting ai had just said it (even though there were only about 6 people in the circle...)
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