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Tanks Outside


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Hi guys

Caryl has inspired me to try some fish outside during whats left of the summer, i've set up three thanks a 2 footer a 1 1/2 footer and a 1 footer.

what do you think would be good to put in , I am not keen on doing WCMM as i have them breeding inside , same with leopard fish. i was thinking maybe Cherry Barbs in the smaller tank ...........????

Remember there will be no heater and no filter.

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what a silly question Paul

Nigripinnis or American flags of course :wink:

in saying that, EJ has sent me a photo of his Nigripinnis set up that he uses outside (and EJ would have to be the top Nigripinnis breeder) I will post the photo at the end of the week when Im home and not on wireless

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The water went into the tanks this morning and it was about 18 degrees C , its currently 28 and I'll check it again in the morning so i have to choose fish that don't might the temp changing during the day/night.

Here are the tanks at the momment :


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What's left of summer? It has barely started!

I would suggest;

Golden barbs (doing them this year)

Odessa barbs (doing them this year and did them a couple of years ago)

Ruby or rosy barbs (did them a couple of years ago)

Green barbs 18C+

2 spot barbs 15C+

Corydoras paleatus 18C+

Hoplos 18C+

whiptail loricaria 16C+

Zebra danios 18C+

Bengal danios 16C+

Botia superciliaris 16C+

Hill stream loach 13C+

Guppies 18C+

and, of course, white clouds and paradisefish

I bred mine in a pool too, not a tank. Lots more room to grow :wink:

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I have a 4 ft tank I've thrown snails into I keep thinking I could put some guppies in for live food.:) They'd eat all the mosquito larvae I've been collecting from it though. I haven't actually thrown a thermometer in it, but it's got to be at least 28+ because it feels warm and my inside tanks at 26ish feel cold.

Just wondering if the sun have any negative effect on the glass. :)

Heh, you're aware that glass is used for things like windows and glasshouses that are constantly exposed to the sun?:P

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what is the plant you have in there and how often do you need to do the water changes? Will the cherry barbs bred outside naturally or do you need to do something special? Sorry for all the questions but have a spare tank and I was thinking of putting it outside without anything in it but your post sounds far more interesting.

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what is the plant you have in there and how often do you need to do the water changes? Will the cherry barbs bred outside naturally or do you need to do something special? Sorry for all the questions but have a spare tank and I was thinking of putting it outside without anything in it but your post sounds far more interesting.

i do not intend to do water changes ( unless something is going wrong )

The plant is just a handful of java moss

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Cheers, generally speaking windows dont have litres of water behind them and only silcone holding it togther. I get the message that there isn't a problem with glass tanks being outside ,other than water getting hot !!!! :)

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looking great billaney....some great danio suggestions there caryl...... personally i'd go for the amazing cherry red rosy barbs, they're like a neon red/purple, though i haven't seen them in the shops lately

edit: btw you just gotta check out a black ruby barb here in breeding colours! http://aquarium-fish-guide.com/images/blackruby.jpg

(normal colours for comparison: http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/bla ... barb-1.jpg)

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Have you actually thought of breeding goldfish Paul?!

I took some algae riddled oxy weed out of my pond and put it in a chilli bin with some water, and low-and-behold I ended up with goldfish fry! :roll:

My mistake came when i decided to catch them and move them to a smaller glass tank so I could keep a better eye on them and target feed them - the tank got way too hot and I think I cooked them all :oops: :cry:

Will give it another go when I get more weed for the pond, but this time won't transfer anything to the glass tank!

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Hiya Paul.....I'm in same area as you and have guppy juvies outside in old bath with WCMM for almost a month now and growing well...mind you I've got oxygen weed and water lillies which give fish shade and bath only gets sun until about 2.00-3.00pm so doesn't rise above 27C...GOOD LUCK!!

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I've had a bunch of WCMM in a bathtub I setup late last summer - it's been planted with lillies and some rushes and the fish were in there over winter without any loses. As they hadn't had a full summer I was unsure if they'd manage to breed etc - there wasn't much in the way of plants to start with so any fry probably got munched!

looking forward to some some fry this summer tho!!

Really keen to see how peoples outside tanks work out - def a lot easier to catch and bring em back in over winter (if they can't hack the colder temps).

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Today at 4.15pm our outside thermometer (south side of house in shade) reads 30.4C. The 2 pools (183cm x 38cm) are sitting at 29C in partial shade. Thermometer at other end of house says 31.4C but it is a bit sheltered so reads a little high.

Tanks are going to get too hot if sun hits glass.

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I have now got fish in two of the tanks , some red finned Danio's went in one tank about 2 days ago and are doing fine and I've now put 6 smallish Checker barbs in another , i'm thinking of some sort of Cory for the 3rd one as the temp changes might trigger spawning

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