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USB Aquariums


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I think the fish in that listing are Ruby Barbs.

i think it would be a good idea to to report the listing to trademe on animal cruelty grounds, would have more of an impact if multiple ppl report the listings

Here here, but how? I can't find the animal cruelty bit in TMs 'terms & conditions' and/or 'code of conduct'... even the mention of Nazi memorabilia has gone west since I last read it...

Stu :)

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To report the listing, click on "report this listing" in the auction, choose any of the reasons why (it doesn't really matter which category as you can explain the reason in the "Details" field :)

Breaching TM's terms and conditions seems the most fitting though.

It's a shame these tank fads are coming to NZ - have recently heard of Peace Lilly vases which are not available here, thank god!

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To report the listing, click on "report this listing" in the auction, choose any of the reasons why (it doesn't really matter which category as you can explain the reason in the "Details" field :)

Breaching TM's terms and conditions seems the most fitting though.

It's a shame these tank fads are coming to NZ - have recently heard of Peace Lilly vases which are not available here, thank god!

Whats the Peace Lilly vase you heard about? It sounds pretty harmless.. unless of course its used as a fish bowl..

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it is used as a fish bowl with a plant. they say that the fish will survive buy eating the roots so you dont have to feed it and that you dont need to change the water.


Geez.. thats terrible. It doesn't even LOOK good, who wants to see the roots of a plant in a vase..


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it got shut DOWN..yesss! it appears the seller had no idea about animal welfare...that is very sad. an angel in there? gosh it sounds like aquaone tank boxes showing a school of congos in a 3 ft tank!! think i'll write to them about that. dang commercialism

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